Scott jr

[quote=“Max_Muster, post:401, topic:18874”]
I can’t understand why you call a lady who is a swinger, but otherwise not conspicuous, also a whore.

I never call Kelly from D&K the s…t. Why? She has a job out the project, she takes care about the realm, she try make an interesting content, she has not a vulgar look she never _____ as a pig.

This is about so called LADY GOLDIE

There is one little thing. Something is wrong with you.
Despite the cute face.
A_____lic A_____lic.
Happiness burns like a match
The end, the page has turned.
A_____lic A_____lic.

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If memory serves, it’s Seb who has a c___d, a d______r.

Your memory is better than mine one. Thx for info.

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Say, don’t you have any issues of your own to worry about instead of throwing dirt at the attendees? :rage:

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You probably know the saying that you should heed more often:

Слово – серебро, молчание – золото.

Dont worry. In my office i dont say to my employees that they are the idiots.