Scott jr

umbafuckingbelievable :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

That’s hard to do. when the gorgeous sexy Steph is there :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
in her tight little jeans &cute converse shoes :heart_eyes:

no need to scream in the wind. VHTV does what it wants with its customers.

It’s nice to see Stephie & Scott back. Stephie looks amazing :blue_heart:

yes, but if the customers are lost, I will tell you after you knew it vv it has been closed since 2017, why did the world stop being interested in it, that’s how things are, if they don’t change course, it will be a memory too

With Steph and Silia there, i will really struggle not to watch, I am as honest as i can be ( i can`t stand Scott, never liked him :rage: :face_v___ting:)

Lets see how long it takes to reach 10,000 comments on this topic :joy:

Tbh, like him or hate him, but he always got his realm in top 3 views and the best looking girls and parties

Yes, at least the realm is not boring, and the women are beautiful. :slightly_smiling_face:

Video calling with one of the parents, and the answer where the little one is (looks like his mom)

Scott jr :wink:


you took the words right out of my mouth. that is absolutely the truth
and he definitely has one of the most beautiful girls in Steph. over Sabrina,
after the 3some was history!


Scott no’s how to bring in the viewers he has people on the forum like puppets on a string :rofl::rofl:


Proud parents :heart_eyes:

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They were last night too, couldn’t stop holding each other :rofl: :rofl:

Actually Scott managed to stop Steph from holding that teenager :rofl:

Well Milka said “won’t return anymore”. They haven’t left yet so she is still technically right. :sweat_smile:

Steph has a great family :heart_eyes:

il ont eu un enfant ensemble ?