Schuyler & Conor

Cams falling off the wall (Part 1)

As nearly all cams started losing grip they took it offline now I guess. What did they use to mount the cams? Chewing gum? :-1: :joy: :man_facepalming:

Maybe just a little spit. :rofl:

Scoff Charlie Pickering GIF by The Weekly with Charlie Pickering

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Nah that would have sticked better :joy:

Stuck not sticked Jabs, just sayin👍

Thanks. Somehow I know something was wrong but I could not figure out what it was :see_no_evil:

A post was split to a new topic: Name changes


another piece of furniture for the collection.

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dam she has a fine ass :heart_eyes:

A promising addition to VHTV in a long time. Finally people who look normal, do normal stuff and live in a normal place. Camera setup is great as well. Thanks.

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Anyone already seen her bare ass? I’m just asking, because it must be one of the best :grin:

They are an attractive couple, looking forward to seeing more from them!

Connor also thinks so.

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Who is the idiot who placed wall sockets directly behind the sink? It can cause a leakage of electricity.

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Tonight I’m watching several cams simultaneously; this one as well among others, as I patiently wait for this girl to take her panties off :grin:


Wouldn’t splashing water be a potential (and actually quite likely) hazard too?

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I meant this.

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Ah OK, thank you for confirming. I did wonder if that WAS what you meant. :slight_smile: I certainly agree with you by the way…it does seem dangerous.