Cams falling off the wall (Part 1)
As nearly all cams started losing grip they took it offline now I guess. What did they use to mount the cams? Chewing gum?
Maybe just a little spit.
Nah that would have sticked better
Stuck not sticked Jabs, just sayin👍
Thanks. Somehow I know something was wrong but I could not figure out what it was
A post was split to a new topic: Name changes
another piece of furniture for the collection.
dam she has a fine ass
A promising addition to VHTV in a long time. Finally people who look normal, do normal stuff and live in a normal place. Camera setup is great as well. Thanks.
They are an attractive couple, looking forward to seeing more from them!
Who is the idiot who placed wall sockets directly behind the sink? It can cause a leakage of electricity.
Tonight I’m watching several cams simultaneously; this one as well among others, as I patiently wait for this girl to take her panties off

Wouldn’t splashing water be a potential (and actually quite likely) hazard too?
I meant this.
Ah OK, thank you for confirming. I did wonder if that WAS what you meant. I certainly agree with you by the way…it does seem dangerous.