Savannah & Troy

where is wendy hopefully she will return soon she is missed @SavannahFromRussia @TroyFromRussia

it’s not just Wendy ( who i do miss) but it is the whole girly kindergarten . Where are they.?
Has Boko Haram suddenly swept through their city ?

No doubt Wendy & Lindy are enjoying themselves as no one else is here.
Seems the main occupations are s___ping,laptops and phones with an occasional grunt between Troy and Savannah :rofl:

Just had a look in and not surprised at what i see, so sad.

Sorry, I’m not the first and certainly not the last to say this.
But I think this is such a shame that such an apartment sinks so deep
@SavannahFromRussia take action and enjoy again
You don’t deserve this :kissing_heart:

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but you have to say: you can rely on the fact that the daily routine is followed …

Seems Wendy & Lindy not come back yet, i hope they haven’t deserted the sinking ship. :roll_eyes:

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So do i i have asked both savanah and troy if she will return they ignored me

They were probably as___p at the time :rofl:
A shame if they don’t as Wendy was the only bright light in there.

i totally agree

Welcome back wendy

No Lindy though. Seems to be beddy times again then.
I did notice everyone is sooo chatty :rofl:

I think they save there energy by texting each other rather than actually getting up to go say hello and have a real conversation :rofl::rofl:

s___ping angel

vs. ‘the same procedure as every day’

I know which camera I prefer there

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Lissa is waiting for her masters return


A bit different, I’m curious what comes out of this :thinking:

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Mira is going to make Troy F her or he’s out… :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Don’t make me laugh he’ll never manage it :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Wendy is a pretty girl, and enjoys wandering around half naked. Good camera.


yes i agree very pretty and great body

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