Savannah & Troy

Neither one of the guys could keep it up…

Then the new guy got it in Savannah and Troy got mad and stooped it???

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I will name the new guy Sedric :wink:

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Well, that pretty much confirms Troy is an absolute dickhead.

what did he do now.

Troy just blew a fuse , because Savannah started fucking Sedric.He was starting to fuck Wendy .

Oh dear :exploding_head: Things seemed pretty calm all the night and now this…

Long story short, Savannah and Troy were having sex, Wendy and new guy were having sex, they go to switch, Wendy and Troy were having sex, Savannah and new guy started to have sex, Troy gets mad at Savannah, Troy ruined the rest of the night.

if they cant swing then stop trying to be mira&henry :joy:

troy doesn’t even trust his own masculinity then he shouldn’t try to be a swinger :man_shrugging:

Even though I hadn’t watched this apartment for a while, I had thought maybe the hate that people on the forum was spewing at Troy was typical male bashing that goes on, but with my own eyes I see now what some people on here are talking about with him. The dude is way too insecure.

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@TroyFromRussia , what is your problem? Your mate was next to you and you stop everything??? No rules were broken, you just couldn’t keep it up… wow…

I told ya so… totally expected from someone like him

Next bulls__ts on forum must be coming soon

Also, considering that Troy literally fucked a girl right next to Savannah while she was trying to s___p, his reaction tonight was incredibly hypocritical.

How in the hell does this asshole live with himself.

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This machismo, male dominance has got to stop… I’ll go back to what I said last night… be a decent human being… he’s incapable. You just ruined whatever progress you had going… and everybody is acting like it’s OK???

Would that require knob polish :question:

@TroyFromRussia don’t even try responding, at this point no one is going to believe anything you have to say. You need help… period, misogynist through and through.

Ridiculous! Way to ruin things!


I can’t tell if the new guy is in time out or taking a nap. :s___ping:

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Sedric on Stand by. Wendy has the remote control :rofl:

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I never thought of it that way, tonight is the first time that the idea came to my mind watching Troy’s behavior that he is a real mental case. The action had just started, Savannah with the other fellow and Troy with Wendy, then Troy decides to slap Savannah while telling her in a very angry voice that I told your lots of times not to do this. Savannah looked chocked and for very good reason. Next he takes her to talk privately in the bathroom and tells her exactly the same thing: How many times I told you not to do this. If you have ever observed people serious mental problems, and I have. that is how the behave. When he interrupted the sex, he told to the young guy, that does not concern you, it is not against you.