Savannah & Troy

It’s wicked how my brain works sometimes… but you must be watching every second of her s___ping hoping to try and catch her peeing herself again to capture that falling out of bed moment. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :laughing: :laughing:

Was gonna post the same vid after watching it last night but was beaten to it.
i thought it was b___dy hilarious and she even made several attempts to awake and get back into bed but it too after a few attempts. :rofl:
I follow this apartment quite often, yes it is a bit boring if all you are looking for is just sex sex and more sex but the unexpected is always good when it happens.
Am still hopeful Troy will give it to her, he had one attempt but was rebuffed and hasn’t tried since :rofl: But am getting the impression that she would be open to it a bit more recently.

There are at least half of the apartments i don’t even watch, probably even more, as i know what you’re gonna get before even watching them, ok if you like that but i even find that boring after a while especially all the posing and shoving everything in the cam.
Even Amelia, bless her soul, is very much out there in the same manner now.

I am still angry at myself for missing the girl who pissed her pants in this realm about a week or two ago. Was this the same girl? That was really interesting, and definitely a real moment.

Yep that was Petra, the same young lady :rofl:

I’ll dfinitely keep an eye on her from now on then. :blush:

Yeah i watch them quite often, makes a change from the usual shennigans that go on :rofl:
Can be a bit boring quite often but the unexpected is always good.


Good, because the unexpected is what I’m here for. :+1:t3:

come on troy, don’t turn your back


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Oportunity lost…

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You can almost feel the uncomfortable atmosphere from here :roll_eyes:

I think she really has the flu, when I look in her face like that. :cold_sweat:



Oh my… I missed that

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Yeah guys, I’m I’ll, that’s why I have this face. In few days everything will be good :blush:

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Take care of yourself :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Take care and I know Troy will help you. :wink:


Yeah, thanks

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Hope u feel better :heart:

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