Savannah & Troy

Hopefully Petra makes it into the archives now… nice orgasm for Savannah being eaten out. BTW, after a few minutes ate her out for #2

Becuse of VHTV’s goofy rule of no more than three consecutive posts, I’ll keep editing this one lol. Now Wendy is treating Petra. @jabbath1987 did you capture this? The Savannah/Petra caper was especially hot.


Well well the ice queen suddenly melted eh, very nice too even if the lights were off.
Hopefully it will only get better now :+1:

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If you are worried about it not getting captured, you can go here. :point_down: :partying_face:

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I’m just waiting for the next time their script involves a pee accident. I’m not much a fan of all these orgies and swingers, but that would be something real. Still angry at myself for missing the last time.

Just so I am fully understanding this and not judging at all, you are angry for not seeing a girl pee herself?

Correct! That is such a real and unexpected moment. I’m not interested in all these orgies and swinger-parties and other bulls__t, but if someone got too _____ and did something like that, that might actually be worth watching. Do they often get that _____? Whenever I click on these apartments, Savannah & Troy, Mira & Henry, Mikl &co. and Jirina & co. it’s just a bunch of people sitting there planning and delegating their next sex events. Nothing is spontaneous at all.

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Fair enough, horses for courses I guess but totally out of my kink range. :roll_eyes: :wink:

girls having fun


someone should make a recording request for this. Im not a subscriber, so don’t think I even could do.

Discovered Wendy recently, I like her!!

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well it was quick and now is over, they are back in the living room

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Troy, it’s your turn



I believe anyone can request that something be saved to the archive. Someone can correct me if that’s not the case.

Yes anyone can make an archive request, you don’t need to be subscribed.

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Then again, why make a request if you can’t see it? Duhhhhh :rofl:

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Maybe they are saving up their pennies to get a subscription next month. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :blush:

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Always find it amusing why all these foreigners always wear T shirts with english writing on.
Not logical at all. :rofl:

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It’s like all fucked up white peoples who get the Chinese writing on themselves :man_facepalming:t4: or the dreaded ‘love of my life’ name tattooed :joy::joy::joy:

Are Petra and Troy ever gonna get it on?


Well he had a good go last night but she wasn’t interested, dunno she’s a bit of a funny girl but certainly liked Savannahs puss :rofl:
He even put her hand inside his pants but she didn’t even have a play and soon removed it.