Savannah & Troy

Nope she is Lindy

Ok thanks. But damn, she looks like Lilo

If Lilo actually came back to vhtv, she wouldn’t touch him, but every chick in the house for sure

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I wonder if this girl has ever heard of the HHGTTG?

Well now she is here she could begin to enjoy herself a bit more, the only problem is we only have Troy there :rofl: Then again she could be a lady’s girl :rofl:

Not much going on here anymore, just a little rumbling in the dark. many bi girls which seems very interesting for Savannah also in the dark . no parties or go to the parties. It seems as if they are no longer invited by the other parties .

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Have you seen the blonde girl is peeing in her pants laying in Savannahs bed.

Oh dear! :laughing: Did she miss potty training! :laughing:

Totally new meaning for “Taking the piss” :stuck_out_tongue:

Shouldn’t that be giving it? :rofl:

It leaks a lot of oil… :rofl:

Ahahah. Back from dinner? :wink:

does she still have a wet pussy?

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It should be dry now. It’s Troy’s fault, he’s a lousy professional, he wants to set up a kindergarten and forgets to put the c___dren’s diapers on…

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ya ves que gracia le va a hacer a Savannah pues ella duerme donde esta la gran meada de esta gorda rubia es que beben como rusas :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That is what happens when you let kids _____.

y troy como si no pasara nada

y lindy sigue con la misma braga y sujetador desde hace un mes :smiling_face: :smiling_face: :smiling_face:

Reminds me when _____ Misty peed in Lexy & Pete wardrobe because she thought it is the toilet :rofl: :rofl:

no jodas jabb :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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