Still …
WTF…. still playing game…
They have loggia in kitchen with no cam…
Next day, Same game no action…
She started giving him a handjob, then fell as___p…Poor guy…
Hey, @ToreyK. I was skimming the content in this topic and noticed a couple of upside down pics due to an upside down camera. Any time you have a pic that’s turned at the wrong angle, there’s a really quick and easy way to fix it.
Windows comes with a free, fairly decent, basic photo editor called Photos. Open the pic in Photos, Right-click —> Open with —> Photos, and press Ctrl-R until the photo is upright. You don’t even have to save it! And, you can use the left and right arrow keys to navigate to the next or previous pic in that folder. Takes just a few seconds per pic.
That’s if the pic is a multiple of 90 degrees from being upright (i.e. 90,180 or 270 degrees). If it’s something other than a multiple of 90 degrees, press Ctrl-E to edit it, and in the Crop section, which it defaults to, you can adjust it to any angle you need. Since you’re editing it in this case, you will have to save it.
Hope that’s helpful.
Is today the day for some guest action?
BJ apoligy required. Poor guy.