Sleeping/Snoring Fetish, anyone?

I known this sounds weird but I wonder if anybody here has a sleeping fetish? I love to see people asleep and this website is perfect for it :slightly_smiling_face:

For now, i’ve found some snorers : Montana and Eva both snore !


You are a weirdo.

No, no, no, no excitement out of that and the only emotion I have had is one of rage. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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(post deleted by author)

And its pretty common to hear loud snoring coming from them.

Please confirm that @FeetLover22 & @LOVEFEET are both accounts operated by you. If this is the case, kindly asking you to decide which account to keep for forum use

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very strange

Cool fetish though!

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I am a fetishist I love girls’ feet but I never heard snoring

Having two accounts and talk to yourself. You say cool, I say crazy.

This one deleted please

(post deleted by author)

do you enjoy if people snore?

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and he is my the most favourite and the most beautiful among others of course :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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every day I discover new things

You all never heard Dean… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

je pense que l’on n’a pas tout vu. Je suis sûr qu’un jour, il y aura bien un type qui est fétichiste de la s__to! :nauseated_face:

please s__t no …

oh yes yes you will see. Just be patient, my friend… :rofl:

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I love female feet but I’m ashamed to say it