
Like old ladies in a tearoom… :rofl:


Wohnung Offline. Können eigendlich die Bewohner Ihre Wohnung Offline schalten ??

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yes they can. They have to notify the manager and the manager notifies VH that they will be off line.
Most of the time it is a ISP problem. when it is fixed it coms back online.

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Why should I want to translate a phone call? The participants are all over 18 and they decide for themselves what they do or don’t do. As long as there is no violence or other bad things against a participant, I don’t want to get into it as deeply as you do


alles Gut kann jeder für sich Entscheiden.

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As long as there is no imminent danger, I also think that it is not in the interests of the participants to translate private telephone conversations


They are not private conversations if they are phoning on a VHTV camera. I think you may have a different view on what is considered fair on voyeur sites than most of the participants and visitors.


I am sorry but you’re wrong. No matter where they are made, phone conversations are private.

They are not speaking thru the cameras but on their private phones.


Wer hat Roze gerade ebend so in Aufregung gebracht ??? Wau die ist ja völlig aus dem Häuschen.

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No, you don’t get to set the boundaries according to your beliefs hence my comment.

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Meine Meinung zu der Sache ist die Teilnehmer Leben Ihr Leben Öffendlich vor der Kamera. Egal was sie da tun und machen es ist nichts Privat in diesen Sinne sondern Öffendlich es kann jeder der hier angemaldet ist sehen und hören. Telefonate sind da mit Eingeschlossen. Es gibt in jeder Wohnung Bereiche wo keine Kamera hängt. Das ist dan Privat.


My comment was related to Andy’s one, meaning that it is not in their interest to translate on the forum their private phone conversations. I am quite sure that this is also stated quite clearly in the forum FAQ’s


Yes agreed, these are about revealing a participants true identity outside of the project. That allows or help to protect their identity then to have a live away from the project. But translating a phone call. If you speak the participants language no translation necessary, you just hearing a normal conversation in an environment that has welcomed your presence.


Hat Roza einen neuen der sie so in Aufregung versetzt hat?? Gabi ist es nicht der liegt im Bett und Edrym ist nicht mehr da. Schade das wir es nicht sehen werden denn wenn es ein neuer ist wird sie Ihn wohl nicht mit in die Wohnung bringe da muss erst mal die Putzfrau durch das macht sonst keinen ersten Guten Eindruck.

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Even if yes, we all can hear it, sometimes one side of it, sometimes even both, it’s not just about the identity, everything spoken in their private conversation is …private information. That’s why it says “private information includes, but is not limited to”…

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Sorry das ich das Frage, die Gespräche in der Wohnung sind die auch Privat !!

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Off course that they are private. They are not speaking to us. If any of the participants is speaking for/to the cams, then yes, that’s not private anymore. It was made for us.


You can see it however you want, telephone conversations, as a full member I can also count to your apartment unless you are outside. Every country has certain laws

Edrym is obviously gone, Roza the manager will quickly find a replacement with approval from Gabi


did Edrym leave with Arina.i hope so .they would make a good couple

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