
Because he has a sick dick, its that simple.

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Roza banned Edrym from s___ping in with Ariana :face_with_monocle:

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I saw it, loggia no cam. 13 minutes, time enough for a quickie. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


No, Roza didn’t ban Edrym from fucking anyone, quite the opposite. Its all about getting paid. If Edrym has a sick dick they needed to call in a substitute (gabby), to fuck Rozas substitute (Ariana). Its all there is to it.

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Just in case someone forgot what this is all about, Arina pointed it out to Edrym before she went to the shower and started the show. :moneybag: :heavy_dollar_sign: :dollar:



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So Arina is like tell Edrym 10 days no Sex because you hold your penis in the cup now I have to play with Gabi That’s Understandable No money no honey
 Other than that every Participant is here for money. The way She does it was inelegant, clumsy, and cynical
PS Gabi’s movement with his hand on his head is like
 I’m here available tell me what to do 


Edrym teilt gern mit Gabi. Erst gibt er seine Roza ab und jetzt Arina um Geld zu verdienen. Ist wo ein kleiner ZuhĂ€lter geworden!! Wenn damals Verona nicht dazwischen gekommen wĂ€re wĂŒrde Gabi jetzt immer noch auf der Couch schlafen und mit Roza ficken. Und wenn Roza wieder kommt und Arina noch da ist werden wir wohl Gabi wieder öfters sehen wie er beide MĂ€dels fickt und Edrym in der Zeit in seinen BĂ€ttchen liegt und schlĂ€ft.

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Maybe that’s why Rosa left 
 I hope she comes back Sex is the most important thing in the Realm but not in that way

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Steht Edrym ĂŒberhaupt noch auf Frauen oder ist der sex mit Roza nur noch schein fĂŒr uns ? Da er keine Regung zeigte als Arina im Bett alles gegeben hat. Eine kleine Hofnung habe ich noch da sie dann lĂ€nger auf dem Balkon waren.

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Genau, vielleicht passierte was auf dem Balkon, so dass es Roza nicht mitbekommt.
Ariana hat auch bedĂŒrfnisse, nur Erdym weicht bis anhin immer aus und das Gabi dann schnell vorbeikommt, passt mir nicht so ganz


It’s best if you address John78 directly rather than being somewhat elusive with who you are referring to. Anyway he is just looking for attention
:expressionless: Since his favorite realms Cinderella, Flora, etc. have recently left the project. My guess is he has become quite bored since their departure.

So I think it is safe to say nothing will happen between Edrym and Arina. She was all over him last night after being turned on by Gabi who couldn’t get a hard on. Edrym pushed her away multiple times and could have taken any opportunity to fool around with her even if his dick cold is preventing penetration. I really don’t think it’s a “gay” thing with him. My opinion is either he is still in love and holding out hope he and Roza can recover from the Gabi thing or he just isn’t that into Arina sexually. Gabi never had an issue getting hard for Roza, his issue was being a 2 minute man which he got over. But last night between blow jobs and eating Arina he just couldn’t get it up. I want to see Arina happy but I hope after the breakup with pasha she does not rebound to Gabi as he is just not a nice guy to put it mildly.

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I’m curious, what did Gabi do to make you think he is not nice?

Also Edrym has a medical issue so I’m not drawing any conclusions yet

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Nikki und ihre Freundin haben sich das geschehen in der Wohnung von Edrym und Roza gestern Abend angeschaut. FĂ€ngt so 16:40 Uhr an. Arme Roza wie soll sie das jetzt auch noch Verkraften das Ihr Angehimmelter Gabi erst Verona und nun auch noch Arina Befriedigt.

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There are a lot of dynamics with him that I will probably get slammed for writing here but who cares. If you watch some of the party videos he is in he is always trying to get the girls _____ fillingbtherebglassWhen he was fucking Roza all the time he and Roza would make faces behind Edryms back and as soon as Edrym left the room he would be all over her. Now Roza was just as wrong, (even if she and Edrym had an arrangement ) but it just didn’t sit right with me. Another time they were at a party at Nikki’s and Edrym and Roza were beyond _____ and Roza was showing off dancing nude. Gabi pulled Edryms pants down and tried to get him to penetrate Roza knowing he was _____ and couldn’t get it up. My opinion it was done to embarrass Edrym. The same night Gabi took his dick out and tried to get Nikki to touch it and when she shied away he was visibly pissed off. And to add one more a couple of weeks ago when they were all at Derek and Gina’s , knowing Roza was still in love with him he and Verona were fucking all over the place. She was visibly upset and crying the whole night. Now that’s also her fault if he told her to choose between him and Edrym and she didn’t and he chose to move on with Verona but still it just shows how much of an asshole he is. Again all my opinion

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Da stimme ich Dir zu 10000000000 Prozent zu. Er ist ein Ar

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Jerder hier weis das es nur ums Geld geht. Meine Meinung ist Roza solte sich Ihren Edrym mit den sie schon 2 Jahre oder etwas lÀnger zusammen ist genau anschauen den er ist Ihr Treu und Liebt sie was Roza in meinen Augen jetzt Endlich mal verstehen solte. Edrym hatte in den letzten Tagen mehr als genug die möglichkeit mit Arina rumzumachen dazu hÀtte er seinen Kranken Penis nicht gebraucht da es 1000 andere möglichkeiten gibt.
@ Roza wach endlich auf es gibt immer höhen und tiefen in einer Beziehung.So einen wie Edrym bekommt man nicht nochmal der dir alles durchgehen lĂ€sst und dich ĂŒber alles Liebt. Er mag auch seine Schlechten Seiten haben die du Roza wohl am besten kennst nur sei Ehrlich du bist auch nicht immer ein Engel.
Das ist meine Meinung wer anderst Denkt kann dies gern tun.

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You are right NotSeth next time I better mention the name of the member and not as this member mentions the word (Some Members) so don’t get confused with other members
Thank you very much !!
PS. I don’t want to have a confrontation with anyone but the way this member expressed himself was an insult to all of us
Thank you again!!

Yes, bi would be more accurate technically, I think.

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There have been so many, frankly I have lost count now!!! :roll_eyes:

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