Il y a un problème avec l’heure !!!
I can’t see any problem with the time as the are having sex in the bedroom right now, which fit with the time on the picture.
House cleaning instructions presented in a video.
Die man heeft toch wel pech .
Al 7 maal met een harde gestaan en hem al 7 maal nergens mogen insteken
Of heb ik het verkeerd
I don’t quite understand that statement. They show movies or YouTube, that’s not news.
When they go out, it’s supposed to simulate life.
But sometimes they are in the next room and the cameras get so confused because a TV picture can generate more action than, for example, two people having fun in bed.
I probably forgot to point out, that not this, but some other realms leave the tv on, with current program, so viewers of VHTV can see on their tv at home (given they have same tv-channels at home or wherever they watch VHTV), that it’s almost realtime. I think there is a 2 minute or so time-difference, I guess everybody knows for what.
I saw that when Henry was watching his own place with one of the girls, making funny guestures, and laughing, when it was visble on his tv 2 mins later.
So I was not referring to this movie-program, but meant a general remark.
Sorry for the confusion I caused.
zij kan hem waarschijnlijk niet hebben ze doet leuk maar kan weer de kast in hoor niet thuis op vhtv
Have you links to some archives video ?