I do not know the exact saying but it is basically some patriotic writing.
Rosy déménage t’elle ? Si ça continue comme ça je ne renouvellerai pas mon abonnement je perd trop de préférer
No she will stay with us. It is just that the equipment for webcamming is no longer needed. And Aleks needs space for his things.
ok merci il ne me reste plus qu’elle j’ai perdue beaucoup de mes favori hélas
She wants to stay for a long time. She enjoys everything and has a lot of fun
j’aimerait bien la voir dans une scene avec plusieurs partenaire surtout des filles
Fantastic shot!! Was this a result of plug usage?
Rosy is the most charming, carefree, always laughing and friendly person on VHTV. I am totally thrilled by her positive charisma. Still, I miss her friend Aurea, my absolute dream woman on VHTV, she was there one night recently, but the bald guy was touching her and I don’t think she was too happy about that either. When will we see Aurea again?
rosy please bring your friend back Aurea
I miss Aurea so much.
Rosy and Aurea would be the dream couple for this apartment. The absolute highlight on VHTV.
she was here 2 days ago briefly,