Rosy & Aleks

What rule(s) has been broken?

Hiding from the cams/ Blocking the cams ? :thinking: :man_shrugging:

Ask Jabs, he’ll explain it to you

Is it unpleasant for the person who would like to see everything? YES!

Were cameras covered as you say? NO!

Yes, a section was covered because maybe a lady was ashamed. But the bathroom camera was not disturbed or covered, was it?

Don’t be dragging others into it, I would say you are better than that but….

This is no real difference to having a shower/bath with a bikini on

Lol, wtf are you talking about, having the bikini on doesn’t block the view from the cam, nothing to do one with the other. And i told you to ask Jabs simply because i remember the endless times when he said that this is not allowed

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Can you show me where i said that the cam was covered ? :roll_eyes:

I said blocking/hiding which is totally different

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It’s very similar, both block the nudity, anyway discussion over for me as you are always quick to point any “negative” you see in apartments you “hate”

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What would be your solution? The lady doesn’t shower!

:wink: That way the voyeur had a small chance of seeing something if she was careless.

Shower curtains are not unusual, are they? There are some apartments that have them.

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Lol, you’re totally out of touch. What has the nudity to do with literally blocking the cams? She could have kept the bikini’s on as you said and there wasn’t any problem. Pointless speaking with you, you’re doing a great ass liking job. And for your info, i don’t “hate” anyone, that’s purely on your side, i wasn’t even talking with you.

Anticipation Popcorn GIF

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I’m not the one making the rules. I’m sure you’re not the one either. What’s the point of all this discussion ?

The rule is clear: blocking the cams is not allowed

Common Jabs, explain them that blocking the view from the cams is not allowed and let’s end this childish discussion

You must look more like this now with all that popcorn you’re eating lately. :popcorn:


Indeed it is not allowed and is considered blocking cameras. You are right.

Can we end this discussion by now before it gets off topic? :wink:

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Rosy is also blocking my view … If it weren’t for that stupid comforter, I would be able to see more.

It’s getting really childish.

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Noooo, Jabs is only eating air-popped popcorn, that’s very healthy and actually helps loosing weight :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Aleks even wanted to solve the comforter problem with Rosy and improved the view. :joy: :rofl:

I must admit, I was wondering what a “comforter” was (is) and then I realised, you meant the duvet, didn’t you?


There is still hope for him.

