Rockie & Rollie

And everywhere they visited with friends they walk half naked from first minute…i never saw this with friends so you see this is not real…gewoon hoertjes ingezet voor zo veel mogelijk te kunnen neuken voor de cam en elkaars wijf betasten de ganse tijd…zijn gewoon geen koppels anders liet je dat niet bij iedereen toe

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And danko goes his porntour on again he is gonna fuck some other chick vieze honden…en die vrouwen weten niet beter of wat…

Hij praat al die vrouwen de porno in om het te doen met hem…ik hoor weer alleen porno porno…daarom heb je geen vriendin om op elk ander meisje te zitten…het is erg met die hopeloze vrouwen…

Die langs danko zit zijn ze erin aan het praten…porno porno

Ge gaat me niet vertellen dat als ge een relatie hebt uwe vent zo alle vrouwen zit te betasten voor u neus en erop kruipt dan nog dat je dat fijn vindt…ga weg zieke mensen gewoon…

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Massage according to TV instructions
In the 4 picture another lady has smuggled in.

blaaaaaaablaaaaaaaa solo porno qui
the mask firing squad GIF

Seriously Rockie can bang new girls but Rollie will behave like a saint….:angry::angry:

Now he start making porn in apartment….:smirk::smirk:

Bring back Milan let him fuck Rollie…

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si anche io lo penso bravo torey :upside_down_face:


Does this lady already have a name?

No, new porn lady of Rockie…:sweat_smile::sweat_smile: first visit


Okay, she must learn to swallow; → Noswa (No swallow)

Swallow or no swallow they work in porno….pretending to be shy on cam…:smirk::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Look the scene around 02:45 at rockies bedroom

the mask GIF
si e’ questa

you know guys ? , i’m really tired now and i really need to stay away for a few days because here’s all these disgusting events of :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Rockhead :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:, rollie pretending to be his girlfriend but actually they’re not even friends in real life. And Rollie allowing these nonsense and do nothing… really hate a new person -that must be Rockhead :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

especially other favorite realms;

  • Goldie - Real or not ? :man_facepalming:t2:
  • Sabrina - Disappointment :man_facepalming:t2:
  • Alisa - Congratulations to too, you brought someone like idiot Alec back to this project. :man_facepalming:t2:
  • Auriel - ??? :man_facepalming:t2:
  • and Rollie - I really need to get away :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

and ADVICE; do not give bonuses to pornstars on this project :+1:t2: :+1:t2: :+1:t2:

This a “Noswa” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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