Rickon & Maisy

I named the transgender person Opal

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With him being on ignore I forgot about that one, just whenever someone replies him this is what goes through my mind, I just wish he’d post his thoughts to his many follower(s) on social media :joy:

That must be a blast to read :yawning_face: :rofl:

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Here both people in one picture, was also irritated at first why the rose hair was sometimes with and sometimes without a tail.

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Speaking of names, what happened to NotSeth?

I do not know. I did nothing… I hope he is okay. Also missing robwin.


:thinking: Interesting! Are they the same person :rofl: :rofl: for @robwin it’s easy he’s missing Ross :heart: :joy:

@NotSeth posted something 3 hours ago… sometimes you just have to do something offline, even if it’s just s___ping. :rofl: :joy:

But isn’t that all off-topic :sunglasses: :disguised_face:

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Yep sorted it out. Also updated the Wiki

Rob said he was taking a week off.


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He’ll make a mess when he comes back, one weeks worth in a tissue :nauseated_face: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

We only do it .just to have fun :stuck_out_tongue:

Youre Funny Season 5 GIF by The Office

Next you’ll be telling me you’re doing a dissertation on it :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Any else think that Maisy has a very short bum crack? compared to most of the girls on VHTV I included a pic of Kelly for comparison, and she also has a very pert bum too.

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Maisy is way hotter…

Each to their own I suppose.

Yes you give them thumbs up as long as they’re having sex in the day time or if the lights are on and that’s the only time

Is your name peat or repeat :question:


I’m fine I just got tired of all the BS that has been happening so I’ve entered mostly read only mode for awhile. I believe @robwin said he was doing something similar.