Rickon & Maisy


And calling someone a boomer isn’t offensive either then no? You’re as bad as each other. If neither of you can be civil then don’t post, simples.

Something interesting! Hmmmm

How right can i be. Seems to be a great start Beautiful- and outrageous xxx


Weird! I like it. :+1:t2:

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Is that a different girl? The guy for sure in new…



he called me a dinosaur and to get the fuk outta here , so this old dinosaur kindly responded with the correct reply . as for me having an offensive attitude , well lets say i didnt quote anything offensive only stated the what i saw and used a meme to show my confusion to what i saw ,

Some pics from earlier :heart_eyes:


more shots from earlier, loving the amount of nudity in this apartment already, exactly what an apartment on Voyeur House should be like :heart_eyes:


¿Es un chico el del cabello rosa? Tiene cuerpo de chico y no tiene senos pero tiene vagina

Nice pic’s Torey. :+1:

I mean… I don’t know what everyone’s problem is…? Those that HAVE a problem anyway…?

We have a cute and beautiful Blonde seemingly Cis-Female (born female) named Maisy… And, again just my assumption, an incredibly brave Pink haired Trans-Female (Born Male, gender reassigned by surgery to Female) named Rickon…

I would ask that those that can’t get on with Rickon’s life choices show some respect and visit other realms, rather than make Negative comments - they are extremely brave coming into a website like this where they could face some of the horrendous behaviour and a___e that we unfortunately see in the Forum comments here.

Personally, I welcome the diversity and look forward to seeing what they get up to… They don’t appear to be a Romantic Couple, s___ping separately, but we’ve seen plenty of nudity, a little play between them, and some joint streaming at the PC in the Living Room… So sit back, have some patience, and see where this goes. And PLEASE - be nice.

My Best to both of them.


How about instead, people say what they feel like saying and anyone with a problem with it ignores their comments and instead of demanding a certain kind of behavior out of others they just do their own thing and move on. Why must everyone have to cater to sensibilities of other members and the tenants? If a tenant can’t stand the heat than they should not read about it. This is forum about them and anything should go short of actual threats of violence or privacy concerns. Otherwise, VHTV shouldn’t call it a forum, they should call it a fan club. In my view, tenants would do well to not be here until they leave and then they can read all about what people genuinely thought about them. Not everyone wants to vanilla feed.

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That’s fair comment Kyla-La,

I respectfully disagree, personally, as I believe anyone has a right to some level of respect - unless they have done something to forfeit that right. And I disagree with any form of discrimination or verbal a___e/judgement based around Race, Gender, or sexual orientation. I lean towards kindness and tolerance in all things. And, to be clear, I am not inferring that you do not, or that you are wrong.

Anyone may have differing opinions - and we’re all entitled to them.

Best Regards,


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I think that’s it’s a slippery slope and all it really does is stifle others opinions and thoughts and turns people into forum police. Defenders of the tenants! Knights in shining armor! If there is going to be a line drawn at any insults then go ahead and close the forum. Who wants to read about people fawning over tenants all day long? Not me! I want the down and dirty crazy s__t! Wild speculation and feverish feelings. It’s funner! Screw the tenants feelings. If one’s skin is that thin they shouldn’t be showing off their asshole to the world at large on a sex site.

Now that, I cannot disagree with.

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Barack Obama Applause GIF by Obama

Perfectly put, that was the exact point I was trying to get over to @Lucas and @Lazurus_aka_Virgil . Lucas who is obviously younger did as you mention and just scrolled on by, Virgil replied and played the “He called me” card. As an obviously older member of this forum I would have expected Virgil to have had thicker skin. Everyone, if you see something inflammatory or something you don’t agree with, that is someone’s opinion, and they are entitled to it. If you don’t like what you see, please just, SCROLL THE FUCK ON BY. Some members are like petulant little c___dren.

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