[Results] August Unlimited Giveaway! + Bonus Prizes 🎁

Ich hab auch alles richtig gemacht und nichts erhalten , wurde allerdings auf heute vertröstet. Mal schauen , aber anscheinend nicht alles reibungslos verlaufen.

Didn’t they say it’s random not all?

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I only saw one circle needing clicking on.?
No worry it won’t break my my heart :laughing:

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I mean this post from VHTV

Must admit it was abit misleading

Ich weiß nicht kann schon sein 
 ich dachte jeder kriegt was der teilnimmt 

Never saw that, you mean they fucked up and had another go at advising us :rofl:
As i said i won’t lose any s___p over it.

Thats the misundertsanding of the terms raffle and random.

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Not true, note the word “Everyone”

:gift: Prizes: Everyone will get free subscription days & VHTV Coins based on random distribution

Did you get coins? The wording is ambiguous but all should have got either prize

it was just random as to what you got, either days or coins that was all.

everyone and randomn? hmmmmm

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Nope, nothing, no worry :+1:

Yes, one seems to contradict the other :rofl:

Ja alles halb so wild , wahrscheinlich falsch ĂŒbersetzt . Ich werd es ĂŒberleben :laughing:

Enjoy the evening, on my way to bBQ and pool party :slight_smile:

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The sentence is fine apart from VHTV didn’t give both to everyone

Hope you enjoy :+1:

You talk and talk

It was clearly stated by VHTV that everyone who enters the raffle will receive a prize. How high and in what form the profit will be (days or coins) is decided at random.

There is absolutely no contradiction there.

the contradiztion that so many people say is the fact that vhtv wrote that all participants will receive free days and coins
(maybe he should have written that all participants will receive free days or coins)

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