[Results] August Unlimited Giveaway! + Bonus Prizes 🎁

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nitpicker auch: nit-picker
bean counter (auch: bean-counter, beancounter) => dieses eher umgangssprachlich. :face_with_monocle: :innocent: :face_with_monocle:


крохобо́р / крохобо́рка

Thank You VHTV for the giveaway. After ~5 years of Premium service, today was my last day. Now I have 5-6 more.

Thank you so much! As always a pleasure to be a member of the VHTV community

Thank you VHTV for the days. Most appreciated.

merci pour ce cadeau

Thanks! :smiley:

Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

thanks from UA

Thanks for the coins. Too bad we couldn’t donate the coins to other VHTV Forum members so they can build their collection and make good use of them.

Thank you very much VHTV for the days, (what a thrill to be able to see/discover everything) thank you :hugs:

Thanks so much for the extra 7 days Premium. I hope that I am just as lucky with this week’s lottery ticket :laughing:

Thanks legends! x

I am confused. I thought this was an invitation for those who did not participate in the raffle the first time (“Were you late to the party?”). I was late because I just joined. When I tried to click the button “Count me in!” it tells me that it was closed a day ago and won’t let me click. Am I doing something wrong or am I looking in the wrong spot?

Dear VHTV, if I renew my premium subs today, what happens to the extra standard days that i received?

Thanks for the free days VHTV, I love you so much

Thanks guys!!

Thanks for 30 coins. Unfortunately I have no active subscription because the payment methods dont suit me. So I am afraid I can’t do anything with the coins…

VHTV, thank you so much for the 30 coins, and that is an honest statement. I am very grateful for your generous gift.

Unfortunately, I can’t spend them as I don’t have a premium account and most likely never will. Thanks again.

But you can donate the coins to a participant of your choice… :+1:

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