[Results] August Unlimited Giveaway! + Bonus Prizes šŸŽ

thnk you :+1:

Juchhu endlich mal was gewonnen. Herzlichen Dank, freu mich darĆ¼ber :hugs:

I got coins. Thanks you

Do you actually see those days on your profile now or did I misunderstand something?

Post manually deleted by author

Yes I see them. I didnā€™t have an active subscription before. Now all cameras are unlocked

you won 30 coins. However, you can only use it with an active subscriptionā€¦ :wink:

Thank you :slight_smile:

Refresh maybe. I had the same thing, until I did and then I saw the difference.

David, he won coins. Unfortunately, he cannot use it without a premium subscription. In that sense, his win is pretty much uselessā€¦

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Damn right :rage:

not that im ungrateful but i dont think 5 standard days are really going to benefit me as i only prefer to use premium viewing and all the perks that go with it , so if you want you can take the 5 standard days you gave me and give them to someone else . will say again im not ungratefull many tnx

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Oh I know nothing about coins on VHTV (never used them and donā€™t understand what they are for), thatā€™s something that needs to be taken up with them I suppose.

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At first I read it wrong. When I saw 30 I just thought I it was days. Now I do see the change

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coins are used to download and keep vids from gallery 10 coins for 1 download

Thank you very much :hugs:

Premium subscribers can use the coins to buy videos in the archive.

Otherwise you can donate them to a participant of your choice.

These coins do not have any other functions.

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Which I guess would only fill up the space on your device which is not good

I forgot my mannersā€¦

Thank you VHTV, for my own extra days. Much appreciated.

Thanksā€¦ :+1: :+1: :+1: