Raslan & Ballerina

Well that’s going to suck

Why? They will move to a new apartment.

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Fingers crossed that the move goes smoothly and they can enjoy their time away from cameras. I look forward to their return :slightly_smiling_face:

I hope and pray :pray: that the move goes smoothly and can’t wait to see Ballerina beautiful self :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


As far as I know we are not losing them, they are just relocating.

Their apartment is ready but as said before they will go and visit relatives for some days.


I not sure if she is small or he is very tall


Both lol are the same

he is as tall as the doorway and industry standard of a door is 80 inches(6’8), so an educated guess would say he is tall.

Welcome back u guys @jabbath1987 their back


Bloody hell that was quick :eyes:

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Would have been even quicker without the vacation :wink:

In four days it must have been an overnight stay then, hardly vacation Me Dear Ole Chummy. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

3 days vacation to visit relatives.

The sheer Bloody cheek of it how dare they have parents and I blame VHTV for this and their selection process only orphans from now on should be selected to join the project…!!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Don’t worry, when they find out their employment they will quickly become orphans :grin:


It depends which country they’re from in some countries it would be looked upon as a proud thing with the parents taking a cut. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hmm, you got that right… Didn’t even think about that.

Maybe we can see a show with those two.