Purgatorium đŸ’©

Where did you get f___ed into anything from? I have only stated that they did not enjoy living under those conditions. That also doesn’t mean that there weren’t times when they did. If I have to guess it would be they prefer to live in smaller apartments/realms rather than one big one given the choice.


Obviously NotSeth doing the most Seth thing
 :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

I am not putting words in your mouth. My comment:

is referring to exactly this:

I didn’t, I simply referred to what I felt to be the case.

@ToreyK will be disappointed in you when he finds out you talk to participants in the DM’s :joy:

I would like to see a No Lights, Always Clothed House. A house where everyone wears clothes no matter what they are doing. I would also like everything to be done completely in the dark to make things extra spicy! :fire: :hot_pepper: :sunglasses:

If my comment was off topic, why didn’t you move Sparkles reply to my comment? :thinking:

As his reply would be off topic as well

Yeah, he only removed the off topic comments he didn’t like

that took like 10 seconds :joy:

Dance Skeleton GIF

That’s perfectly fine as long as it’s done in this Topic. .

Using Studio90 account or/and your Participant account for commenting in other Realms Topics (the ones that are not related with Studio90 Realms) it is not only completely unprofessional but also spamming

Maybe they have a bathroom fetish like Carlos?? :face_with_monocle: :toilet: :bulb:

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Actually no not at all. Participants & guests comment in other realm forum topics all the time. You’ve never had a problem with them doing so before. @Studio90 @Kye-Viktor-Nena have the right to post in other forum topics just like everyone else. It only becomes unprofessional and/or spam when they post off topic things in other topics.


It’s the same for “normal” users
 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yes, my point is that everyone has the right to post everywhere as long as they follow the forum rules. Maybe you missed that


No, I didn’t overlook that.

Nevertheless, John78 is right when managers post in other topics that do not belong to their area. You should not post here for your own entertainment, but if necessary answer questions for your areas, advertise or comment on the various discussions. But only in their area.

And with regard to the forum rules, you are of course bound to them in the same way as all forum users.

Anything else is unprofessional!

John is an idiot never listen to her
she is controlling participant’s life right now
 look at Evelyn & Lyla they are living her life

And David is currently became tail of John where John comments he appears to reply her

There is no rule saying they cannot. They are people too not robots. As long as they follow the rules they can post wherever they feel like it. It’s called forum engagement, which is a good thing.

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