Purgatorium 💩

again young and hopeless and no brains stupid cow there is nothing special on her only stupid and saying geil geil and only give matthias his sexual plesseaure…why this guy with his behavior like a s__t head and allways young girls with no guy so you know enough hoockers that thinking its pornoset what they say and they do it its easy too fuck if you a___e girls like this they are young and they are searching for sex its new for them and is exciting but they dont know how many diseases there are from soa’s till gonoro more as 100 and they let it go with these guys that sitting in every other pussy what you know of these girls …more girls that have std but dont know it nasty slut its there one fault

and fucked again with someone else’s there guy on the sly…how pathetic girls…and now very satisfied…dirty bitch uses your brain…and what have you had now, nice and soa’s on your pussy …haha only want his plesseaure and use you for it …that guy i want too kick his ass so bad with how he does and act too these woman

this not pono anymore…after the first time they get fuck they go on and on and want only more and more and he had his fun…at least if you do these dont do it for the cams with that attitude if you are the man …u use only poor slut that didnt know better if she had brains she has thinking before she started sad too see

stupid young girl its sad too see how things go

ooh the world has opened up matthias has fucked her now he’s great now she has feel his dick that visited every pussy daily now in her twat bha…she haven’t experienced anything yet too good lol pathetic sitting there next to him or her boyfriend is lol in 1 hour he fucks another girl that didnt know how he is on first day he is sitting on these girls pussy what sexual fustrated guy and that for whole the world on cam and those pathetic bitches don’t get that in there brains dumb nothing more lol

She’s a beautiful woman with the ugliest pussy on the realm. I blame that on Alec also.

Oh my! :flushed:

ham cooking GIF

Go fuck yourself!

jennifer lawrence middle finger GIF

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Fortunately that is something that I don’t have to do…but it appears that you know a lot about it. It shows that you are a grumpy unhappy soul that HAS to fuck itself. You even save Gif’s to share with your audience. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hey @Bluewinner why did you move this post to the :poop:-hole? It was not off topic. Previously you have said that you will only move off topic posts here. That if an abusive post is on topic you will not move it and it needs to be dealt with by the community.

She’s a beautiful woman with the ugliest pussy on the realm. I blame that on Alec also.

Who’s comparing? But that said, at least I have a place to go. You’re still stuck in your cesspool.

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Place to go? I’m here aren’t I? I’ve never even heard of you.

Show us the cesspool that you live in.

OH MY :flushed:

I prefer the Amy that doesn’t loose his his temper and uses his brains to win an argument. No offense but you are better than this. Name calling is for the simpletons…

Like i care what a nobody like you thinks

another troll to ignore


et le caca, tu sais ce que c’est, toi qui es un asshole ! :rofl: :rofl:

you thought scotland was not in Britain :joy: :joy: @NotSeth