Purgatorium đŸ’©

Dean Winchester Facepalm GIF

What’s that, I can’t hear you. What’s he saying?

Theres a b___dy frog here , whats my new name french-legs ? ok leave me out of this :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You lot aint having photo s of me thats private :crazy_face:

We are talking about the pets in the apartment. Not about you. Stick to the topic. :point_down: I do not want a photo of you.

Thank god for that i thought you might want me undressed :upside_down_face:

Asian Reaction GIF I would make someone a nice pet + they could train me :rofl:

Probably easier to train a stone. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Sooo many options to choose from :slightly_smiling_face:.

Oh David, you naughty boy, allways starting an off-topic. Tsk tsk tsk :joy:

Even if you somehow managed to offend someone, I would not worry too much. As per Forrest Gump ‘‘S__t happens’’.

Its all good. :hugs:

No No No. That line belongs to Predator. :crazy_face:s__t-happens-predators

Yes it was sorry about that @david

Not a problem my friend and I hope you didn’t mind me mentioning it. :slight_smile:

Man, I never watched Forrest in english so I missed this scene :slightly_frowning_face:

Predator 1987 was way before Forrest Gump 1994. So the line belongs to predator. :rofl:

S__t happens is a slang phrase that is used as a simple existential observation that life is full of unpredictable events, similar to “c’est la vie”. The phrase is an acknowledgment that bad things happen to people seemingly for no particular reason.[1][2] The phrase was first observed in 1964, but wasn’t used in a print publication until 1983. Alternately said, albeit less vulgarly, as “stuff happens”.[3]


The fact that people have been remarking that s__t happens has been attested from 1964, when Carl Werthman quoted an example in his UC Berkeley masters thesis; the relevant excerpt was published in The American City (edited by Anselm L. Strauss) in 1968.[4]

In a review of Fred Shapiro’s 2006 work The Yale Book of Quotations, The New Yorker critic Louis Menand stated that it is “extremely interesting” that the phrase “S__t happens” was introduced to print by Connie Eble, in a publication identified as UNC–CH Slang in 1983.[5]

Seismologists from the U.S. Geological Survey launched an earthquake-readiness campaign in California under the title “Shift Happens”. A seismologist commented “Stuff happens and you have to prepared.”[6]

Omfg really. :crazy_face: Where talking about the movie right come on. damn. :smirk:

Hey I thought I would get technical. And if you notice I did not say Forrest Gump was the original. :rofl: