Purgatorium 💩

u cannot identify as anything. It s like i would identify as Bruce lee which is very retarded to think, as i don t know kung fu. Well, unfortunatley there is such a thing as mental illnesses…Homosexuality is one of them…Like it or not


kaia is a she? Like a real she? Or a she with a dick?


A gay who spends time spreading anti gay messages?) How does that make me filogay?)


really?) But i m a neanthertal)… U trust neanthertals?)

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lmao…You just made me ashamed of myself with this answer…


let me explain to u how stupid u are). U say nobody cares about my opinion. But u are outraged by it ).

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yeah…He works an image director)

How dare u say i am dissrespectful? I am identifying as a rescpectful person and i command u to address e as such. U are a accusing me of being dissrespectful. How do you you know i am ? What exactly have i said that is dissrepectful?

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Man, leave all this tryharding before u exhaust yourself)

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oh…Well…Who knows right…Let s hope she has a vagina…

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how is this disrespectful? This is normal language…Who are u to tell me what is disrespectful and is not?

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i don t get bored and i will never be curious or interested in gay porn…

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u started this game when u told me about wrong or right). Who did i accuse about being dissrespectful?)

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gay scenes disgust me…Make me puke…

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I will not)

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i am not bored and i ll never be interested in gay porn


tell her/him that she/him can eat sht)

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i wonder how the fck can i create a new topic in this sht website? I don t think i have the option…Must be a premium feature i guess…

can we stop putting gay content on vhtv please? Or if not, can we close this f topic please? Jabat? go purgatorium on their ass)