Purgatorium đŸ’©

we don’t care if you react or not

I mean given the choice I would prefer he didn’t. :upside_down_face:

Just look on the bright side. With every attempt these trolls make, they prove that they are trolls.
And if these attempts get out of hand, VHTV will send them on holiday with a chance. :+1:

Oh, like the holiday John78 just got back from? I heard it was really nice. :smiling_face:

Here you were wrong @Mohrchi friend, John really went on “Holiday”. He can prove it (he also communicated with me and with photos) but why would he do that? Why would he lower his IQ for people like this? There’s no need. Just ignore Torey and his group. and you don’t even need to answer them just ignore them :pensive:

Someone said “we don’t care if you react or not”, I’ve been ignoring you for more than 6 months, but you’re still trying to attack me and ban me, but it doesn’t work, understand doesn’t work, go and _____ your milk try to grow up now and look, I’m not insulting, I want the best for you :pensive: :v:t2:

  • and reminding;

Torey not on vacation, he went to the cemetery :ok_hand:t2:

I can communicate with photos that he was silenced for a week by VHVT. One of us is lying. I wonder which one that is? :thinking:

That’s some good timing, he gets restricted from posting on the forum for 7 days that just happens to fall on the same week he goes on holiday

Het belangrijkste voorwerp in bijna alle rijken is toch tot vervelens er aan toe hun G S M .

Don’t worry, my ignore list is well filled. :grinning:

not to mention he was still on the forum 24/7 giving reactions and sending me private messages.

Strange that you and john are now best friends

Yeah I got private messages as well from him

I even got a real letter from him :joy: :joy:

I bet yours was a bit friendlier and wasn’t a demand to know who’s permission did I get before being allowed to tag a certain person on the forum

Yes there was even perfume and a kiss on it :joy: :joy:

I guess nobody will be surprised at that but He won’t be happy that you are sharing his secrets

Why not just move all of the comments in the s__thole and then the last person out can close the door. The moderation of this forum is stupid. It’s no wonder why that is.

Not sure if they have that stupid cap on posts still. Just in case, here you go. Post away.

You guys are actually flagging another members caps just cause you don’t understand why he is posting them? Pitiful!

Yep! That’s just how ridiculous this place is. They are rotting in this apartment right before our eyes.