Ever since I was a kid, Santa Claus always represented Christmas and St. Nicholas was another name for Santa Claus. Obviously, I was ill informed. You obviously know more about the subject than I do, so I bow to your expertise.
In my homeland we have the Saint Basil the Great, was a bishop of Caesarea Mazaca in Cappadocia, Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey).
This is very new to me because I thought everyone around the world celebrated Christmas. Wow.
We celebrate Christmas Dec 25 sure …!! Jan 1 we celebrate New Year Day & Santa Claus on that Day but we name (Santa Claus) Saint Basil & we give the gifts on that Day not on Christmas
Филиппа действительно в настроении.
The Bible = Bulls__t baffles brains
Philippa got some moves
Well she ain’t risen from the dead yet, be interesting to see how her head is when she finally shows, having just said that she has just risen, whether it’s only for a pee dunno yet
Я сегодня не встану:rofl:
Shouldn’t b___dy think so after last night hows your head or shouldn’t i ask haha
Честно говоря, когда ты пьяна, ты выглядишь красивее.
Think last night must have finally caught up with the old girl Sorry P
Доброе утро, Филппа. Надеюсь, ты чувствуешь себя лучше. Это было великолепное шоу с танцами и пением. Ваша великолепная фигура действительно раскрылась во время танца. Тебе все равно следует практиковаться в пении.
Карты снова подвергаются сомнению. Надеюсь, из этого выйдет что-то интересное.
A lot from the sound of it, lets just say there is room for improvement
Yes, I have to agree with that.
But you shouldn’t give up hope. Maybe she will become a successful soloist.
Ну хватит, трезвая я умею петь
Я прошу прощения за сомнения в этом.
Not what i have heard Think it is called self delusion
Still love you though