This apartment should now come with binoculars suppiled
Мне тоже не нравятся эти камеры в гостиной
Yeah it’s a shame when they are so far away it’s very impersonal, don’t really see that lovely smile
But you can zoom. The sharpness of the image suffers as a result, but it’s still better than seeing someone sitting on the couch in the distance…
Unfortunately Philippa isn’t smiling here, but it’s just to show what poor resolution the VH cameras actually have.
Ist doch eh tote Hose ,ob mit oder ohne gute Winkel
I’m sorry for you personally, but maybe your urologist can help. Otherwise just try Viagra…
You did good capturing that as when i played it back it was only a split second she had her leg up.
However would be a bonus to see her get her leg over, it’s been a long time now now
You couldn’t possibly know this to be true, it would have been better to add ‘that we have seen’.
I see the woofters have found the new place then
I’ve been thinking for a while now how Philippa managed to move, settled in and back on line within a week and others take forever to get back on line! I can understand that if they are moving to another country it may take longer. But generally speaking 2, 3 weeks or a month…really!?
She would look much better IMO with a purple streaking like Chyna has.
Just a personal opinion