I think that might be an apology to Dominic. If so, good on you. He deserved it because he never criticized you in any way, and he certainly didn’t call you “stupid”.
It’s naive to expect people to act the same way you do, especially in a public forum where they are free to express themselves how they choose, within the rules of the forum.
I’m not quite sure I’m ready to believe that you fully respect other peoples’ opinions, especially when you call us stupid and demand that we respect yours.
No comment, lest you accuse me of disrespecting and criticizing you.
Carlos, I fully respect your right to express your opinions on this forum. I won’t always agree with you and judging from the comments you’re receiving and the “likes” you’re not receiving, I’m not sure anyone else agrees with you, either. But, you’re still free to express them, just maybe not so repetitively. Just a kind suggestion.
In any case, maybe re-read what I’ve said here before you respond to anyone else’s reply to what you’ve said. Also, just a suggestion.