Peeing girls

Seek, and you shall find! :wink:


One of several instances where a bathroom camera angle gets “mis-adjusted” for a period of time and then gets reset. This period of “mis-adjustment” was fairly brief. The longest one I ever saw was Helena Christopher Demi Ashton and it honestly seemed like Demi was into it. The one who really broke the mold was Clara with her “squirts.” Fun times! Her apartment also had the infamous black square, but she used to turn a bit sideways on the toilet and face directly toward the cam fully naked with her gorgeous perky little tits and firm thighs and legs…but the little black square right there at ground zero. Every time I see one of these I think policies have finally lightened up, but the long arm of the law always clamps things down. Someday, somewhere, things will get liberated from the shackles of decorum…or something like that. :thinking:


Ok I don’t get it. Why did you send me that. All that seems to be is her live cam. She is not in the bathroom she is as___p

could anyone post the videos or just name, date, time… if you see girls pee in shower? or misadjusted bathroom camear? thanks to all


dog peeing GIF


This is a ladyboy best i could find :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

05 Sep Rachel peeing in shower

I m not a premium paying user so I can’t have access to everything

Amelie 14.09. 9.20pm

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Are you sure? At 21:20 she was standing by the sink.

sorry, a few minutes later :wink:

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Bring it on. Girls look cute when they pee. It is a natural everyday bodily function and pissing can be so much fun for the pisser but even the viewers. Piss away girls since there are demands to see guys peeing. Equal rights. Girls peeing while standing or squatting is such a beautiful sight to see the stream flowing.


I just want to see the girls actually sitting on toilet taking a pee not nessecerly watching it flow

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There are sites you can go to to see that. The tenants are not into that and we must respect that. Hell there is so much kinky stuff I want to see but I go to the relevant sites to see it as it is not going to happen here so I don’t ask.

I understand what you are saying and I do visit other sites I was just replying to a comment

Ich sehe auch gern Mädchen oder Frauen pissen, aber wir sind hier bei VHTV und nicht bei Wünsch-dir-was. Wenn hier Teilnehmerinnen uns wirklich einen Blick auf ihren goldenen Strahl werfen lassen, dann wäre das zwar schön, aber es sollte auch nicht extra gemacht werden, weil es hier die User wollen.


WOW!!! By the sounds of it I guess VHTV is only into showing guys pee - what a fucking joke this site has become. Pretty soon only guys will be allowed to suck cock and not the girls - LMFAO!!!. Might as well shut down VHTV since everything you see here on VHTV can be seen on porn sites. Some members here use some really dumb logic. Now wonder why few are on this forum.

If you can see the guys peeing them you can see the girls also because they sit on the toilet. If you want to see the actual piss coming from the girls then feel happy to request to VHTV to install a camera in the toilet bowl to see it. Other than that i don’t know how it’s possible to see it.

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I made this suggestion about 24 days ago (maybe on Oct 11 or 12) in the Pee videos topic

“SUGGESTION to VHTV to partially solve this request. I enjoy watching girls pee standing up or peeing in the shower or bathtub in any position. To please some subscribers that like the chance to see girls pee while not on the toilet then inform the female tenants that some subscribers would greatly appreciate seeing them pee in the shower or bathtub. If any girl chooses to do so (pee in the shower or bathtub) in front of the cams then no permission is needed. It is their choice and cams are there in place anyways. Some girls might go for it while many might not. Maybe an added bonus to the girls - pay for pee - lol. Win for the girls, win for peeing female lovers and perhaps more subscribers to VHTV”

This is VHTV so I couldn’t care less what they do but I made a constructive suggestion (no responses) to see if some female tenants might want to accommodate some pee lovers. Everyone is stuck on girls peeing sitting down on the toilet but okay for guys to piss in bathtubs, kitchen sinks or even flower pots. Some girls actually pee in the shower so please everyone - open up your fucking eyes and fucking minds. No one (not even me) is asking for toilet cams but realize that there could be other options - ever do ANY thinking outside the box? - probably not FFS!!!

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a little story from my past - a couple of years ago i was in a go-go bar in Thailand and needed a pee. You ccan imagine it was a fairly seedy and very cramped sort of place . Basically it was 2 urinals and a sit-down in a tiny area on the side ( an open ) to a very small room where the approx 50 girls changed their outfits. And probably not that clean. Not that i was too fussed about the cleanliness i was too bust watching 3 or 4 girls changing while i pee’d. While i was standing there a completely naked dancer girl came to stand facing the urinal next to me, leaned backwards and pissed into the urinal. never missed a drop, and as you can imagine i watched carefully! Watching me watching her, she grinned at me and said ‘Whoops hope you don;t mind. i couldn’t be bothered to go to the sit down.’’ A memory to share with you.