your wish is my command
Here’s the book. I have no idea what Ryry’s reading.
Thanks to @Francis98460. Pics are from video posted by him in the apartment topic.
Ryry’s reading some serious psychology book
That’s Eric Berne - Games people play. The psychology of human relationships
Interesting, that’s some serious reading. The book is from 1964, and was a bestseller back then. Wikipedia says this about the author: “Berne’s theory of transactional analysis was based on the ideas of Freud and Carl Jung …Berne believed that insight could be better discovered by analyzing patients’ social transactions”.
We may have some serious participants. Amelie has been seen reading Russian/American philosopher Ayn Rand. Now Ryry’s reading psychology, why is of course anybody’s guess
They are trying to understand why we pay to see them
Ryry’s become quite the reader. There’s several books on her nightstand.
The orange book on pic two and three, is it Aleksandr Pusjkin?