Otto & Lola

I have to stand up for Yan. They agreed to make their telgram accounts available, but Evelyn deleted communications with people interested in Yan. But Yan had information about them from someone else. Hence yesterday’s quarrel. Evelyn is hiding something. There has been a lot of talk in the past about Artom and other boys


Pour ma part c’est l’attitude nefast de YAN qui m’enerve il veut tout gerer je trove qu’il est néfasre dans cet appartement



scusa se capisci la lingua cosa è successo ieri fra yan e evelyn.perchè della solita lite???

If you ask me, I warn you in advance that I’m not a native speaker, it’s not always easy to understand and I don’t know some expressions, but I understand a little Russian.
What I have caught is mostly his friends’ writing and sarcastic comments and sending, and in my opinion, erotic photos of Evelyn on Telegram to his friends and especially boys.
Several times he sent her to see Artem, whom she probably thinks is Evelyn’s sexual friend.
I find Evelyn too hot-tempered and that’s probably why the dramatic departures.
On the other hand, Yan is not without guilt. But I think there are more reasons.
I wrote about yesterday above. If they were less, and especially Evelyn, on social networks and devoted themselves to each other, the relationship would probably be fine. Yan said yesterday that he would go to work as he promised her, but then something appeared on the forum or something on the phone and there was already a problem. Evelyn threw the phone. Later, leaving and arguing on the stairs. Unfortunately, it’s true that Yan didn’t behave well either.

grazie…quindi ora evelyn ne prova un altro e sicuramente non la vedremo piu…chissa quanti giorni dura con amico prima di iniziare a comportarsi cosi

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Het is beter dat ze hun eigen gang gaan en er een eind aan maken. Zo komen ze niet verder .Evelyn is ieder weekeind niet bij Yan dat klopt toch niet in een relatie.

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Evelyn probably likes Yan. But he’s probably living his own life over the weekend with his friends without cameras and especially without Yan, as you said. He wants to change Yan’s life, but not his power. Yan decided to change his life, although he did not want to, mainly because of the money (from what I heard, he will get 5 times less than now about 20000 rub).
Now it’s up to Evelyn how she’s going to deal with it and what she’s going to do.
Unless they broke up already!
What would I regret because I like to see them together

Ik zie ze ook graag samen maar ben bang dat het nu echt over is na donderdagavond

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inviare foto o video erotici ai tuoi amici si è gia detto tutto quanto tenga a al suo posto non gli rispondo nemmeno se mi chiama…che resti con quello nuovo e poi capira la differenza

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Zal het ook niet met andere mannen zijn omdat ze heel veel berichtjes krijg van andere mannen en er heel erg op reageert als Yan mee wilt lezen. Als je erotische foto’s en filmpjes stuurt wil je toch meer van hun.Het kan zelfs zo wezen dat ze bij Yan is voor het geld zodat ze in het weekeind weg kan met haar vrienden.



Maybe this chat can be moved to Yan and Evelyn’s topic?

Verkeerd begrepen.ik dacht dat jij zij dat Evelyn erotische filpjes stuurde

It’s possible. On Wednesday, she told him he acted like a little boy when he wanted to see the chat. Some messages she carried to show him, and some she hid with. Yan probably, I don’t know for sure, he answered some of them when he picked up her phone and then she was angry.
A relationship that Evelyn talked about a lot about should be about trust on both sides. Yan was almost always under the cameras, but Evelyn wasn’t.
And Yan must have heard something from mutual acquaintances. He was talking about Dasha

Wie is Dasha

Hello.I thought she was sending pictures of Evelyn with the boys to each other,sometimes it was visible on camera and Yan does not like it

I don’t know which one he meant.said Tikhonova

Het is denk ik beter dat ze stoppen met elkaar als dat nu nog niet zo is. Dit kan nooit goed gaan tussen hun terwijl ik hoop dat het wel goed zou gaan maar dan moet er veel veranderen.