Otto & Lola


bonjour otto & lola YAN se sĂ©pare de Flora .ce serait sympa de l’inviter et pourqoui pas realiser un trio trio de l’annĂ©e qui je crois n’a jamais eu lieu


Lolla its so so so so so Hot, im bi but this girl make horny every time when i see her


I agree perfectly with your perfect description of her. Also bi, and I would definitely like (please) to join her and Otto in a threesome when and if I visit their country! (I did say please, so
But what you’ve left out is how classy and stylish she is, and how amazing her smile is too!
I can’t stay up late tonight, so I just hope that if they’re inviting a guy/girl/couple or any combination of this, that they do so soon!
Bless them both, so pretty and certainly super sexy!

lola :heart_eyes:


does an old flat mating come back?


The real question is who will fuck Otto & Lola first? Will it be Yan or Flora? :thinking: :sweat_smile:

Last time when O&L visited them, Flora didn’t even came out from the bedroom, so

She also wasn’t single. :fire:

So Yan has always been very keen on Lola. But I don’t think she ever made anything of him. According to his statements, Yan still loves Flora and she would k__l him.

So hard to say if there’s any action at all

I doubt it, by her posts she seems pretty ready to move on but who knows?

Lola has a beautiful body :heart_eyes::fire:

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This is an example of what I was talking about on A&A’s forum. Yan has been at O&L’s for a day. He has done nothing but sit on the couch and look at his phone and eventually take off his clothes. He finally gets up and eats. He washes his dish. He looked at the other dishes that needed washed and just walked away. Why? Why could he not wash the other dishes? Lola comes back in the room and immediately cleans the dishes while Yan goes back on the couch and looks at his phone. I guess I have to start calling Yan a freeloader.

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maybe Yan is a little lazy

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I paid for a weekend subscription
just to watch Yan on the sofa non stop.
It’s been exhilarating and AMAZING
NOTHING NOTHING matches watching Yan on the sofa all day doing nothing.
But no one can argue with me that I feel that Voyeur House have taken my money and not delivered anything in return.
I pay to watch Otto and Lola and Otto and Lola and others PLAYING, having fun and enjoying themselves.
I pay for a bit more than the NOTHING of Yan on the sofa all day.
But anyway, credit and kudos to Lola who last night did not take Otto’s cue and put her legs on Yan as she would normally do with other guys (leading to real fun)
perhaps she respected Flora

In conclusion to my message, I just would like to say to Voyeur House that I really truly hope to NO END, that, tonight, the last night of my weekend subscription, that I can again watch Yan on the Sofa dong NOTHING at all and stopping us all from enjoying a real playing session by Otto and Lola with another guy/girl/couple or combination thereof!
Oh, and one more remark: watching Flora in her apartment yesterday (only to try to figure out why Yan was at Otto’s and Lola’s), I was APPALLED at how this other boring (half of Yan and Flora) was treating her puppy. If she doesn’t know how to treat or train puppies (every time you give a no to a puppy in training, give the yes option with a reward), she shouldn’t have puppies!
Anyway, MORE of the out of this world fun NOTHING of Yan on the sofa tonight please. NOTHING can be more boring than the MOST boring thing to watch in the world. That’s logic.

I don’t think you can expect what you want to happen in the apartment that you want to happen and exactly on the days that you think of subscribing. VHT is not a slot machine where you throw a few coins and a couple appears fucking. You may or may not be lucky, try subscribing for a little longer and your wishes will probably come true.

Oh come on, it’s like @Lennie185278 says if you pay a few €/$ you even decide when the contestant can go to the bathroom. :rofl: :joy: