Otto & Lola

My favourite realm. Such a shame. BUT they have left before and returned.


meiner geht noch LEIDER 23 Tage ich wolte schon gehen wo Yan mit Evelyn die wohnung aufgaben
habe noch verlĂ€ngert weil er noch in 2 Wohnungen auftauchte. bei Aderyn ist GAR nichts mehr los Otto+Lolla weg wenn sich in den 23 Tage nichts tut ist fĂŒr mich auch schluss

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Never mind guys you will all live to get over it no doubt, now don’t get too depressed will you :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
A new fanny will be sent as a replacement very soon :laughing:

Are you on your way then? :thinking: :wink:

If they left the project, I`ll unsubscribe.


Bye bye then, what a shame :laughing:

Maybe i should have said prick then, application is in the post :roll_eyes: :laughing:

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Do not keep travellers from travelling

winkender Smilie


More good news.

Hope that finally this was the last time that they “left the project” and they learn some good habits about other cultures and educations that isn’t only about violence and humiliation

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jetzt mal eine frage an DICH was meinst du wer bezahlt VHTV ?
sicher gibt es immer wieder neue die bezahlen den Monatlichen betrag.
ich PERSÖNLICH finde Deine aussage nicht angebracht

If people want to stay then stay, if not then go, not my problem pal. :roll_eyes:

ja du hast recht 
 wer gehen möchte der geht und wer kommen möchte der kommt
aber wir haben hier ein Forum wo wir ĂŒber probleme und wĂŒnsche schreiben
 denk VHTV und die teilnehmmer von VHTV interessiert es auch (einige) um es besser zu machen!!!
und die Sylvia schrieb hier das erste mal im Forum (erstmal willkommen im Forum)
Robwin wolte dich nicht persönlich angreifen , ich schreib hier auch nur meine gedanken und meinungen und wĂŒnsche

Earlier it was said that Lola wanted to start a family. Well they had plenty of practice. Lola’s figure was unique. They were at their wildest during their first tour. I wish them the best.

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I’m sad that Otto and Lola are leaving AGAIN!!! I was hoping we would see her and Seb again! She really appeared to enjoy his big cock.
Maybe they will visit Ariela and Seb some time

Damn, just the other day I was watching in the archive Lola DP with Otto and a guest, hot as fuck :pensive:

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After Otto and Lola “left the project” a “Moderator” by the name of Sparkles posted the following 2 posts:

  1. More good news.

Hope that finally this was the last time that they “left the project”

  1. More good news.

Hope that finally this was the last time that they “left the project” learn some good habits about other cultures and educations that isnt only about violence and humiliation

Given that many a premium (and other subscribers) were paying for the joy of watching Otto and Lola’s realm, I belive the VHTV MUST, that is MUST explain what this official VHTV moderator meant by his/her statements: Were Otto and Lola “kicked” out? What violence is referred to? What lack of respect is referreed to?

An official moderator acting in good faith, shouldn’t, post such things without a proper explanation, when subscribers, in good faith, are subsrcbing to watch Otto and Lola.

So please let this moderator or a moderator this moderatore clarify those remarks.

Thank you very much.

These are the only moderators on the forum

You’re mixing up the roles a bit now
You have to distinguish between moderator - which are the three from VHTV described by Daleys and
Moments operators are those who are regular members in the forum who save the requests that come for videos.

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It looks like some members can’t view it.