
Salut , ok cool

hahaha oui c’est une des specialitées de la maison :wink: en effet , cheers

Seems like, Olver enjoy VHTV too… :smiley: (As I see, its Stiffler&Goldie’s realm.)

Salut, toi aussi tu te chopes les tutos pour comprendre le matos de plus en plus pointu! Je compatis. Bonne chance. Fred.

I care the most about the mail of the girl he’s talking to

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Oh, I agree 100%. I had just never seen anything like that woofer and wanted to know what it was.

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I’m just kidding man :joy:


I just clicked on it and yes actually it DOES remain blurry. Not sure why though. :frowning:

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Oliver seems to really like VHTV.


I know. I didn’t take offense. No harm, no fowl. Kayley, your username would indicate you’re a woman. Do you mind if I ask if that’s true? (It isn’t always.)

Did you click on the original pic or the screenshot I took of the original pic in its blurry state? The screenshot will always be blurry. Here’s the original pic, which is no longer blurry.

I am a man It’s okay, there’s nothing wrong with that

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Thanks for letting me know.

I did actually see the original clear one (and yes I wondered what it was too, by the way). I must confess, yes I clicked on the blurry one also, as you say, it makes sense that it remained blurry as it was THAT one I clicked on.

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@footpredator :laughing: oops, thought this was you. Guess not. Lol


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA , no :sweat_smile: :rofl:

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Yes , haha it’s an addiction now omg hahaha i love , it’s new experience for me …


hey Guys , my next shooting is on the 10 th august at 4pm Prague hour ,

with Gia Suicide :slight_smile:


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I’m looking forward :heart_eyes: I hope this time it includes Sex

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yes there will be :slight_smile: cheers

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No doubt, but the resemblance is there. Hilarious! :joy:

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