
Scary Movie Eating GIF

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shocked drag race GIF by Robert E Blackmon

Scorching Heat Wave GIF by Holly Logan

old lady fighting GIF

But hopefully not a shoot like this one.

Ciao Oliver, e’ fantastico vedere quando ti masturbi, sarebbe ancora piu eccitante se ti toccassi anche il culo e lo apri un po. Grazie.

Wow people have really had a lot to say about this apartment. Some I agree with and others I strongly disagree with. It just goes to show how we all have different opinions. Then of course is there are those that actually have no idea but because this is a forum will just chip in a so, they don’t feel left out.

For those that believe that this is a voyeur site are deluding themself. These people are being paid to live and be watched. They are very aware of being watched. Voyeurism is defined as an interest in observing unsuspecting people while they undress, are naked, or engage in sexual activities. The interest is usually more in the act of watching, rather than in the person being watched. In fact, you could call them porn actors as every time they engage in sex they are being filmed. If you don’t believe, then you are obviously not aware of the archives.

Amy3 had a lot to say Oliver was cheating as he was doing a professional porn shoot which gained him an unfair advantage over other participants. Can she explain how all those doing chatting on other sites while participating on this site do not also have an unfair advantage? Can she explain how those that take videos while having sex to obviously send to some porn sites are not gaining an advantage, I doubt those videos are being sent to their parents to let them know how well they are doing.

As to the content of the shoot. Well, ever heard of fantasy? No matter how much you might not like it, it is fantasy. Your views on disgust are well noted but you have no right to try censor others. There are many porn stuffs that I dislike and wonder how the heck people can enjoy it but hey, it is there right so while I may voice my dislike, I do not have the right to censor it. The shoot was done by consenting adults and nobody was f___ed or hurt in the shooting. You may say it normalizes violence against women, again your right but the reality so does many other films, video games etc. You have no right to censor and have it taken off this site.

Also, Amy3 you speak about the rules and seem to know them very well. Any idea where we could see a copy of the rules? Stop being so defensive, stop taking stuff so personally, if these things offend you then the internet is not for you. As whether you pay subs or do not, well who gives a flying fuck.


yes she will come back for a gg i guess

wise talking :slight_smile:

Can I add to the topic , every electrical device made has an off and on button to which the user has the sole control off, so if anything offends on a personal level use the said button.

You are of course correct on every electrical device having an off switch, however the device is often controlled by human emotion and that does not get switched off.

Perche ridi? Mi piacerebbe verderti mentre ti masturbi anche eccedendo e giocando anche col culo.

So true , for peace of mind the emotion must also be controlled

bella ragazza

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she is romanian but she grew up in italie :slight_smile:

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Let the debate start all over again. :rofl:

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I find that weird, surely you do that at home prior the shoot?

he might have dribb__d cum in his excitement hence the bathing

Shooting was supposed to start at 2pm, so I guess she was running late. Plus why use your own hot water? :wink: lol