Nina & Kira

It’s like day and night :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

plus de sexe depuis l’hospitalisation de Kira.

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désolé mais qu est ce qu ella a eu?

On ne sait pas

Sie war an Corona erkrankt. Schrieb sie jedenfalls auf Instagram.

Would the Girls have Netflix? They have a new film, a Dutch film, that I’m sure they are going to love :heart::heart:

Maybe perhaps some of you also, gay or not. :slightly_smiling_face:

(edit: the link shows up in German, dunno why. Film is dubbed in multiple languages and also subtitles are available)

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Bonne ST Valentin


You can never have too many plush ducks…

Whose the girl singing with Kira?

I must get me one of them. :slight_smile: Poor cats did a runner though. :laughing:


I figured the cats would be playing with these blow up hearts!

You’d probably be right, if it weren’t for the noise from the air pump. :rofl:

Air pumps and vacuum cleaners, cats do not like them!

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Nope, but I’ve seen videos of them riding those robot vacs. :rofl:


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I love cats, as Hindy said, more than most people. :smiley: :+1: :+1:


You will soon have to change the title to Nina ,Kira and the Bump👍

_____ing ■■■■ in bed. These girls have so much in common with me.


They are looking very bored to me :yawning_face: :yawning_face:

You look very boring to me.