Nina & Kira

Well, the two male dancers would be gay anyway so I wouldn’t expect much from them.

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With a name like @Stinky240 I expected you not to mind a little B.O. :grin: I guess Stinky 420 was taken?

Time to change the duvet cover :smiley: :joy:



I always thought all women, even lesbians, were experts in this. Me learning all the time.

It’s not the orientation factor that makes it difficult, it’s the CAT factor. Try changing sheets with even ONE cat - a challenge. THREE cats? Herculean!

Great shot of that great ass though

That’s what i like you learn something new on here every day :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Camel toe - an effect created by a pair of pants or shorts that fit very tightly around a woman’s groin, drawing attention to the shape of the external genitals.

Looks like this place is going to get a lot more cameras.

Or they will create another realm they can manage?


Ok so all these new camera’s are for this house. This will be a record # of cameras I bet.
The cynics amongst us (you know who you are) will say: more camera’s to record what? But I say: this is going to be even more epic than it already is.

Are there so much hidden places? THe current cam setup gives quite a good overview already. And N&K are not known for hiding from cams at all. So why more cams?

Maybe checking what equipment they have ,cameras ,cables etc for another apartment,or just tidying up🙀

Looks like she is preparing, cables are bundled and she puts them back in the box and sealed it.
Maybe for a new realm nearby she have to fix?

That’s what I thought

Wouldn’t cam 15 in the work room be better on the wall or ceiling ,just a thought

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15 you say? I think it’s okay. As no hot stuff where we need close up is happening there in that room the overview is quite good…

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It was just a thought ,but I will say I think another camera in the kitchen on the wall cooker side
Would be an advantage,but will leave it to the expert Kira👍

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Kitchen I agree. Big fan of kitchen cams :+1::grinning:

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Recette de la pate à crêpe ,version Kira. à partir de 01:07

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we Italians have the best cuisine …