Nina & Kira

Vulgar?? do me a favour

So I guess you must be one of them then. :rofl:

I second that👍 ,they are a great couple when they are together ,a normal couple
Hopefully Nina will soon finish her stage show and they will be back together again👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

One of them??? them who :thinking:


“To find this apartment interesting you got to be a sadomasochist”
Well you’re here and still commenting. So you must obviously find that the shoe fits…

When I was younger, I used to go to a club called T_____e Garden in Brixton London, situated in a deconsecrated church. 900-1000 people there fantastic venue fantastic atmosphere. Those where the days. You lot do not have a clue.

Haven’t been to any of the US events TG have held. Though a couple of friends in the community have. Regularly attend Frolicon and a number of other east coast events/clubs. While BSDM isn’t our thing per se, we do have a number of close friends in that scene. One thing they all gripe about is the oversized presence of certain overbearing, condescending, holier than thou, predatory, bullying Pricks. The kind who inform the world that if you’re not playing their game, their way and by their rules; well then you are just so much Less Than… You know, the kind who troll forums declaring how boring something is; rather than hanging out and commenting on some thing they enjoy
Oh and first time anyplace was Plato’s NYC Upper West Side, 1981
So, plenty of clue here mate.

Damn there I go violating my own Rule # 1 “Don’t Feed The Troll”
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I almost feel sorry for @ Caesart174099. There has never been anything he liked

at least no one will be able to say that it is not unanimous :rofl: :rofl:

Seth Moulton GIF by GIPHY News

You can see that they love each other again and that’s nice



Separation makes the heart grow fonder. :revolving_hearts:

For those who don’t speak French, including me, it says:

Boredom is the bottom of life, it’s
the boredom that invented the games, the
distractions, novels and love.
Miguel de Unamuno

Are the girls getting a new bed ,the old one is in pieces
Maybe a stronger one for all the romping when Nina is back full time.( ha ha ):+1:

What I just like about this apartment is the Cat, because I had one exactly the same, Persian cat, and much loved

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  • TheConscious Cat - conscious living, health and happiness for cats and their humans.
  • Love Meow.
  • Catster Magazine.
  • TheConscious Cat - conscious living, health and happiness for cats and their humans.
  • Floppycats | Uniting Ragdoll Cat Lovers Worldwide.
  • Litter-Robot Blog.
  • Cats Protection | Blog.
  • The Catnip Times.

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