Nina & Kira


A bath always makes you feel better when you’re not feeling well,:+1:


nice screen


I think that might be the show or movie adaptation of the books that her chest tattoo comes from.

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serie Shadowhunters

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Thought so. Two years ago I obsessed over their tattoos for a little while, just couldn’t make sense of the one on Kira’s arm. Admittedly “elephant” isn’t the first thing that comes to mind with that shape. That’s Salvador Dali in a nutshell.

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Come on girls and Sam go back to the house ,if you’re off line so be it at least you’ll be safer theređŸ„° you never know what these Nutters are going to do next


Take this apartment off the list, always offline, when online, no one is there and nothing else happens

Plenty of other sites to watch ,so stop moaning


I know there are others, you don’t have to tell me that, and I’m not complaining either. I’m just telling the truth and if you can’t stand it, you don’t have to answer.


i think the part that annoys members is this part of your comment

you along with every other member does not have the right to demand such an action , although i agree nothing much happens ,but these 2 girls have been a part of the project for many years and before that part of another project that many members remember well . they have kept many members happy in previous times , they now have a c___d but they still like to come back to appease the need for some of there followers , they have earned that right and as such should be respected ,


I couldn’t have said it. better myself ,the girls know what they are doing,well saidđŸ„°


Fuck me, what the hell are you on? Whatever it is can i have some please :rofl:

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What if VH could start a separate subscription site for couples with c___dren,apart From N&K there’s been few couples that had to leave VH that might want to come back ,it was only a thought,then it might stop people moaning about N&K often offline ,as it’s getting abit tiresome now :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

The laws may vary from country to country, but I can’t imagine that in any halfway civilized country it would be legal to have minors living in front of webcams, broadcasting 24/7 to paying viewers. No matter how hard you try to make it look like a not adult entertainment oriented website. Thinking of it, for Nina and Kira to still be in a business relationship with VHTV it is probably necessary that Sam’s official place of residence is not the camera apartment, and it’s mandatory that whenever he or other minors are in the apartment, it has to be offline. Or VHTV would be in big trouble.


Never mind the fact there is absolutely no financial handling system would handle payment for access!

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Not sure if that would be a problem. Since I now have bitcoin I could probably buy a thermonuclear warhead somewhere. I think the whole point of crypto is that it doesn’t want to know what you’re using it for.


True, bitcoin would be the only way from what I understand. But when it comes to (I’ll just say) reputable places like a credit card.

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Certainly what these girls do is hardly justifiable, 
except for their fanslovers of course


VH must be happy with them ,otherwise they would shut them downđŸ„°

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