I’m not going to get into any arguments ,just making a point, if Sam is upstairs as___p in his cot why can’t the downstairs cameras be on (I know what the answer will be because he’s in the house) and yes I watch them on patreon
Yo creo que deberian mandar a Sam una semana con los abuelos y tener sexo sin parar dia y noche en la cocina en la sala de musica en la ducha donde quieran pero sexo que volvamos a ver esas convulsiones debido al orgasmo
I think something needs to be done about this person ,he’s making derogatory remarks about the Nina & Kira
Just ignore him he’s just a sex maniac
Aren’t we all
Creo que no le he faltado el respeto a nadie ni es un comentario despectivo. Le tengo mucho respeto a las chicas pero pir favor un piquito de sexo
Speak for yourself, i’m only here to study human behaviour and their intellect
There i was just about to have some supper to, well thats scuppered that then
Most of us anyway… But I’m also here to perfect my telekinesis sk__ls.
if I may make a suggestion take the word sex out of your sentences…n’t the best apartment to talk about sex…
kira seems to have lost weight…she looks too thin to me…or it may be and optical effect of the photo…
I agree with you on this…
Her boobs have definately sagged bit
boobs sagging after c___dbirth happens to some girls…