Nina & Kira

I see you are watching CB… It takes a lot of dignity to teach others lessons. Since you are watching, tell him directly but do you have the courage?. It’s so easy to judge others hidden behind your computer.

Thank you Mr double game for taking care of your life and not mine

I haven’t a clue what you are talking about

When you appear on CB you lose all dignity or hadn’t you noticed :laughing:

I understand that only you know who is worthy or who is not. A kind of God. Anyway I see that you see a lot of people who make money from sex, who are therefore unworthy. Unworthy of what moreover…to exist…

yo echo de menos el sexo entre las dos

Very kind of you to elevate me to such an exalted level :rofl:
I have no objection to anybody wishing to exist at any level they choose i can assure you.
No doubt they are all happy to degrade themselves on the public stage which is entirely up to them without any help from me.

In any case, I find all those people who try to live better, to help their family to have a better life (even by using their bodies) more courageous than those like me who watch them behind their screen (in addition by wearing a negative judgment)

jerk off with two hands combing through the archives sex will be difficult if not impossible to see…

if there was no voyeur like you and me, there would be no VH, no CB…

however I would like to be how many people look at this apartment since it is always empty (every time I click the mouse to open the apartment)…

Sorry if I offend some here but I have respect for those who work on Vh, CB…

How they all do it is entirely up to them but i was just being honest in my opinion.
How they or anybody else choose to earn money is entirely up to them but if they choose to put themselves up for public viewing they will undoubtedly receive criticism both good and bad.
I just hope later on in life it doesn’t harm their other careers they wish to follow.

I agree with you, we have the right not to like but what shocked me here is to consider that going on CB (or on VH) is no longer having dignity, it’s a too strong a word.
The universal charter of human rights says:
A person never loses his dignity. Even the most serious disease or the most menial condition cannot make a human being unworthy. There can of course be attacks on dignity, such as exploitation, m____r or abandonment, but a person will always retain their fundamental dignity, which is the basis of their human rights.

I am not going to disagree or agree with you as we must all form our own opinion based on many values we set for ourselves in life.
All i can try and explain is my own views which others may agree or disagree with.
After all we are all supposed to have free speech or shall we say the majority are.
My personal view is this, would i be happy seeing my d______r appearing on VH or CB and i would honestly have to answer no, i would hate to see her appearing on this medium.

j’espère pour elles que leur progéniture sera, plus tard, aussi philosophique éclairé que toi et surtout plus tolérant. Car hélas, tout reste sur le Net
C’est tout ce que je leur souhaite

if you want us to discuss philosophy no problem. (in the text that I posted nothing philosophical but human rights)

“N’ayez d’intolérance que vis-à-vis de l’intolérance .”


Cant you take a joke,life’s too short to be miserable :smiley:

Well front door replaced fix and finished, looks good.

je ne suis pas intolérant mais de là à en faire des icônes… Quant à elles, je me fiche de leur vie comme de ma première couche culotte, je n’avais qu’une pensée, c’était pour leur petit. Pas sûr qu’il apprécie de retrouver des traces de leur mère en train de s’exhiber sur CB.
c’est tout, le reste bah c’est comme leur vie sur VHTV, c’est à dire = rien d’intéressant;
Mais en cela je ne remets pas en cause le talent (si elle en a puisque je ne l’ai jamais vue à l’oeuvre) de Nina ou Kira, je ne les suis si peu que j’ignore qui est qui, désolé.
Bon, c’est juste mon opinion et je n’ai pas envie de te convaincre car tu me sembles très très addict à ces filles.
Ni vois aucune attaque personnel. :wink: