Nina & Kira

Wow, can it get any better than that :laughing:

They built their so called reputation on RLC many many years ago when they were rather fun and had many good times with their friends etc etc and were fun to watch then.
Since moving to VH they became like an old married couple which, by the way, is what they are.
I just think they are now just exploiting their past reputation on RLC just for the sake of watching them now is like watching paint dry.

et encore, regarder sécher la peinture me semble beaucoup plus passionnant

I prefer to watch the grass grow. :sweat_smile:

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Wow, we are such an exciting audience on here :laughing:

I think people read more about N&K here on the forums than they look at the apartment

the return of our heroine :joy:


‘‘notre’’ ? heu surtout la tienne sans vouloir t’offenser

je confirme notre, si tu savais combien elle a d’amis sur d’autres supports.
Oublie pas la majorité silencieuse.
beaucoup de ses amis ne viennent plus lire ce forum.
Si VH a acceptĂ© qu’elles reviennent avec des amĂ©nagement demande toi pourquoi.

just for you


bah justement, je me demande pourquoi Ă  part espĂ©rer faire un peu plus d’argent. Je pense qu’elles ne sont pas adaptĂ©es Ă  ce genre de site contrairement Ă  ce qu’elles â€˜â€˜Ă©taient’’ sur RLC oĂč je les regardais avec plaisir. Maintenant, je suis dĂ©solĂ© de te le dire mais elles sont chiantes comme la mort.
Mais comme tu es une groupie, je ne chercherai pas Ă  te convaincre mais si tu les trouves trĂšs intĂ©ressantes, tant mieux pour toi. VHTV se dĂ©grade de plus en plus et c’est pour cela que je ne prends plus premium. Trop cher pour ce que cela vaut et ce n’est pas l’arrivĂ©e de deux mĂ©mĂšres qui me fera changer d’avis. Enjoy yourself mon ami

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A chacun son plaisir

Very well said my friend, it’s almost like a cult following now in my view and for not much return either apart from past memory’s.

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Watching paint drying is more entertaining than this place

Rather sad that they both have to give responsibility to others for their c___d just so they can appear on VHTV.
Us older generation obviously took our family responsibility’s more seriously than the younger generation.
Which one is better or not i will leave that up to you to decide.

Kids seem to be raised by video games and TV nowadays days mate

be carefull what you say about this realm me thinks redo might be there attorney . he/she are defending them to the hilt lol

without knowing anything about their family, their conception of the family, you make a terrible judgment, you then make a generality of it.Bravo.Respect for your great experience and your great knowledge.If you write a book on the education of c___dren reserve one for me. I’m a bit old but I could give it to Kira and Nina.

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Money/profit no doubt, what other reason can you think of? :laughing:

certainly not sympathy nor empathy . which only leaves greed or need