Nina & Kira

Hvordan finner jeg Nina og Kira på patreon

I don’t think these girls are the sort that would come begging for money :scream_cat:

Oui cette vidéo est très marquante. Je pense que Kira a évoqué l’argent sans arrière pensée, seulement pour expliquer le fait qu’elles ne peuvent pas partir tout de suite. Mais si je pouvais les aider modestement d’une façon ou d’une autre, ce serait de bon cœur.

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This should get you to it

N&K are creating Life videos | Patreon


N&K are creating Life videos | Patreon

Become a patron of N&K today: Get access to exclusive content and experiences on the world’s largest membership …


My guess is you are probably right. Just wish we could help in some way. I feel helpless knowing what is going on over there and to hear the pain in her voice… May her brother be safe Emojiand they get what they truly wish

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Merci mais je suis déjà sur Patreon depuis 2 mois :wink:

J espere que les filles vont bien elles me manquent

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j adore quand elle faisaient le ciseaux

This should get you there

N&K are creating Life videos | Patreon

Sorry, got you and Braeden mixed up. I’ve enjoyed my couple of months. How about you?

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Takk,nå er jeg der og har funnet dem

Glad to help. I had help finding them too.

al pagar igual infringe las normas de la CEE que prohíben mandar dinero a Rusia

What, £19.50 a month just to watch those two plonkers with only one online broadcast a week? you must be having a laugh :rofl:ГруппаРТУТЬ

da you have porn sasa

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A video, maybe a couple of photos a week. Don’t mind spending the money, only a couple cups of coffee

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Me too… I think we are closer to the girls. They are speaking to us and we undesrtand everything, we see them in different way, not only in the house… What they show is only small parts of their life, but true parts of real life like anybody has… (in the city, in hospital, at work, on the road, holiday with friends)… I like it.

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the girls are definitely not on VH anymore and you keep bashing them.

je suis désolé mais moi je m’en tape de ces filles. Je n’ai rien contre elles mais elles ne sont pas devenues des saintes parce que l’une d’elles a accouché. je les ai vu bien avant sur REALM et c’était bien.
Maintenant, elles ne sont plus là, alors pourquoi continuer à parler d’elles. Qu’on leur fiche la paix et que l’on ferme définitivement ce lien. Cela évitera des commentaires ridicules. Mon avis