Nina & Kira

I will archive them…

Hope none of the fan club have started on the tranquilizers yet :rofl:

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Lastima?que aqui uno no pueda opinar sin que venga uno a tocarte los cojones

A post was merged into an existing topic: Gossip and off topic posts aka the :poop:-hole

Happy Birthday, UKPolska. It’s also my son’s birthday.
:birthday: :birthday:


Okay, I have done the text of the videos but kindly remember that this is Nina’s 2nd language, so the tenses and structure isn’t as we say, perfect, and you will need to read between the lines and assume a couple of things.

@Noldus @BigJock21 @jabbath1987 and @letsdothis Thanks for the birthday wishes :slight_smile:

@ALGECIRAS Your crass and stupid post has ended up where it deserves to be and you might find a few more of them there if you don’t stop and think before you post.

tout va bien, j’ai pas encore envisagé le suicide :rofl:. beaucoup de discussions avec les filles ces derniers jours.


As I understood, she said about the baby that he is “very pretty”…

Il ressemble beaucoup à Kira donc il est forcément très joli.


I hope someone will post on here the link to the Patreon and YouTube streams if and when they happen

Until then the girls need time to enjoy their new family and I send all my love to them

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When N&K do not mind I could also put these links in first post of topic here :wink:

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I presume the girls have the cameras already setup in their new apartment :movie_camera:

No sé lo que es Patreon pero si no hay sexo no lo miraré. De verdad me siento dolido porque al ser socio y pagador de VHT pensaba que podría poner lo que yo quisiera en el forum sin faltar el respeto a nadie por supuesto, pero veo que aqui socios como yo se han hecho dueño del forum, entonces desde aqui seguiré revendicando que he echado de menos el sexo entre las dos chicas en los ultimos meses, si estás en contra de mi comenterio me da igual, pongo lo que quiero porque por eso pago

y si VHT cree que he actuado mal que no me permita la renovación de 40 euros, me mande un email y me lo diga

Why would you think that? C___dren not allowed you know hence Nina’s farewell speech i presume.

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Debes tener en cuenta que en muchos apartamentos en general pero en este muy en particular, muchos observadores parecen haber “adoptado” a los participantes y ante cualquier comentario que interpreten como un ataque, una crítica o un desprecio hacia sus “en este caso niñas” te saltarán directamente a la yugular.

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Nina said they are going on Patreon possibly next week where she said you will see our new Apartment and our c___dren ,dose the mean just the cats , we will have to wait a see.

Patreon scheint nicht den besten Ruf zu haben:

seul les enfants a partir de 13 ans sont acceptez avec l’accord des doute qu’avec un baby. c’est pas gagné.

Even if you were allowed kids on view there are enough sick buggers out there may put them at risk.
All this wanting to be so involved on social media is very dangerous especially for young chidren.
The trouble is so many people want to know all the ins and outs of everybody elses business and basically it’s none of their business and any participant should bear this in mind.

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