Nina & Kira

all countries should open their brains and understand that homosexuality is not a disease but a normal thing …

Why isn’t the UK on that list as it’s totally legally allowed here.

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It is, isn’t this the UK and it overseas territories & dependencies?


For those who don’t read French. The extra line between each one was necessary, otherwise the system grouped them all together in one gigantic, very difficult to read paragraph.

  • South Africa (since November 2006)
  • Germany (since October 2017)
  • Argentina (since July 2010)
  • Australia (since December 2017)
  • Austria (since January 2019)
  • Belgium (since June 2003)
  • Brazil (some states from January 2012, then at the level federal since May 2013)
  • Canada (some provinces from 2003, then at the federal since July 2005)
  • Chile (since March 2022)
  • Colombia (since April 2016)
  • Costa Rica (since May 2020)
  • Denmark (since June 2012)
  • Ecuador (since July 2019)
  • Spain (since July 2005)
  • United States (some states to be signed from 2004, then at the federal level since June 2015)
  • Finland (since March 2017)
  • France (since May 2013)
  • Ireland (since November 2015)
  • Iceland (since June 2010)
  • Luxembourg (since June 2015)
  • Malta (since September 2017)
  • Mexico, in twenty-six states and the federal capital
  • Norway (since January 2009)
  • New Zealand (since August 2013)
  • Netherlands (since April 2001), the first country to legalise same-sex marriage
  • Portugal (since May 2010)
  • United Kingdom, gradually from 2014, in all nations and dependencies, as well as in their territories
  • Slovenia (since July 2022)
  • Sweden (since April 2009)
  • Switzerland (since July 2022)
  • Taiwan (since May 2019)
  • Uruguay (since August 2013)

You have to remember @robwin is getting on in years his eyesight is not what it used to be :rofl: :rofl: :see_no_evil:

Why not just do it this way? Takes less space and is easier to read

  • South Africa (since November 2006)
  • Germany (since October 2017)
  • Argentina (since July 2010)
  • Australia (since December 2017)
  • Austria (since January 2019)
  • Belgium (since June 2003)
  • Brazil (some states from January 2012, then at the level federal since May 2013)
  • Canada (some provinces from 2003, then at the federal since July 2005)
  • Chile (since March 2022)
  • Colombia (since April 2016)
  • Costa Rica (since May 2020)
  • Denmark (since June 2012)
  • Ecuador (since July 2019)
  • Spain (since July 2005)
  • United States (some states to be signed from 2004, then at the federal level since June 2015 )
  • Finland (since March 2017)
  • France (since May 2013)
  • Ireland (since November 2015)
  • Iceland (since June 2010)
  • Luxembourg (since June 2015)
  • Malta (since September 2017)
  • Mexico, in twenty-six states and the federal capital
  • Norway (since January 2009)
  • New Zealand (since August 2013)
  • Netherlands (since April 2001), the first country to legalise same-sex marriage
  • Portugal (since May 2010)
  • United Kingdom, gradually from 2014, in all nations and dependencies, as well as in their territories
  • Slovenia (since July 2022)
  • Sweden (since April 2009)
  • Switzerland (since July 2022)
  • Taiwan (since May 2019)
  • Uruguay (since August 2013)

If it had been in english i would have understood it but not in french you tosser :rofl:

That’s a bit rich coming from an apparent multilingual scotsman :rofl:

en Thailande le sexe est libre .et toujours pas de mariage homosexuel?

En España se luchó porque no se llamara boda

Well I’m not French and English is my first language, but I recognised the Union flag, you double tosser! :rofl:

Oh yeah didn’t spot that was only concentrating on the wording so i must only be a single tosser then :rofl:

Any news on Kira yet?

What do you want a fucking hourly bulletin :rofl:

Who wound you up this morning ,apart from me ,must the time of the month(ha ha )

Germany seems pretty late in the game with 2017, but since 2001 there was a thing called the “registered life partnership” which for the most parts (?) legally was the same as a marriage, only the conservatives didn’t want it to be called marriage. Don’t ask me about the differences between such a partnership and the “real marriage” available for homosexual couples since 2017.

Isn’t it about time we dropped the subject of same sex marriages , it’s starting to get abit boring now

any word on the baby yet?

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Says the guy that asks is there’s a baby yet every 5 mins :man_facepalming:

I’ve only asked once today I won’t bother again