Nina & Kira

for a newbie it’s membership for a month after the end he left here the same things every day

If you have been here since Anna and Alex started, then you should be used to it by now, It has been this way for five years, accept it or leave! (Just my Opinion)!

If I don’t like something , I stop watching!

il faut qu’il change de crémerie.

I know alex and anna from the first day in vv

and lina and alex are managed today

I watched while ,I assume it was her f____r disassembling the dryer in the laundry-room / entry.

I was quite impressed with his strength, lifting and setting it down by himself!

Dryers are usually not so heavy. Washing machines are the heavy bastards :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I know I could not have done that, even in my youth!

They have to be or they do this :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
trampoline washing machine GIF


but what are they waiting for before deleting this apartment from the list now nina and kira are gone …

I was under the impression that if an apartment is empty for a couple of days or whatever time the rule is it is shut off/closed down.
So why is this place still online? Just asking.

L’appartement va rester en ligne encore deux mois .Les participants sont les oiseaux.

That won’t work sorry. As the rules say places are not allowed to be empty more than 48 hours…

je plaisante

Les règles c’est fait pour être contournées, non!

il y a un terrain pour y accueillir des animaux comme a la ferme. ça nous reposera l’esprit.

So why is it still online then clever clogs :rofl:

faire une mare mettre des canards des poules des coques. et venir les nourrir deux fois par jour.

Because yesterday a guy was there doing tech work and a woman who did some cleaning. So it was not empty.