Nina & Kira

I’m sorry. I thought you said you were leaving. Two times.

tu as tout à fais le droit de le dire, mais ce n’est pas ça qui va faire qu’il en aura.

merci. je ne fais pas beaucoup de commentaire mais je paye comme tout le monde et jepensais que je pouvais donner mon opinion ici

c’est juste que depuis que Kira est enceinte il n’y a eu aucune scènes de sexe (novembre). Moi je viens ici pour juste les voir vivre .

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petite fée du logis


chacun profite comme il veut, merci pour le renseignement

A couple of you asked about disneykid yesterday,I think it might be time to break cover
I’ve been on this forum from almost from the start ,in cognito,I thought RobWin might of picked it up
Anyway I would be obliged and happy if the administrator could change Lavon104009 to DK on this forum
As I use disneykid on the other site thank you (it’s been fun watching some of the comments)

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Hi Dis,no i had no idea you were on here under a false name :rofl: Sneaky bugger eh.

I knew it was you, Diz. For weeks, I’ve been wanting to call you Lavon on CC. :rofl: :rofl:

As for the name change, I think you’ll need to put in a request to support. You can contact them through the hamburger menu at the top right of this page.

The right way is to write a PM to @VHTV_James to change his name

Thanks for the correction. That’s why I said, “I think…” I wasn’t sure and was hoping someone would make the correction if I got it wrong.


Kira loves her cat


elle fait aussi le repas pour beau papa.


un intrus

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Kira looking Kira :heart_eyes:


nouveau rôle


The girls were never this shy before,it looks like a another session off camera again
I don’t think it’s Kira s, problem it’s more like Nina,s image ( DK)