Nina & Kira

Now now people please. There’s enough war already. Let’s keep it friendly here. I think I can ignore everybody I want. So others can say what they want.

Make love, not war :heart:

It does not matter at all if you like the girls or not. This is a public forum and you have to tolerate the different opinions of other people. It is not your private Nina & Kira fanclub :man_facepalming:

I have not entered into a war, I have only made a comment, but let’s go, if it cannot be done, I will withdraw, but I keep saying that if she is pregnant, she should lick her pussy, bye

In that case you should apologize for calling him a troll. Thing he wrote are written in other topics multiple times and nobody gives a rats ass about it.

heureusement plus que quelque mois et on aura notre chaine privé avec nos filles

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Well that did not really have much effect it seems to me

Stay here with us. I will step in when the fanboys try to put you down again.

I do not care about that. Here you have to behave like a grown adult and accept the opinion of others :point_down:

Now now c___dren it’s only a b___dy porn site just enjoy what you want or not want to and not slag each other off. Just breathe deeply and exhale slowly you will feel much better :rofl:

j’ai 63 ans et je ne te permet pas de me juger

Exactly what I said. It is not their private Nina & Kira fanclub… :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t give a fuck about that :joy:

vous etes homme ou femme?

He is a male

déja répondu

I’m sorry I started this discussion but it was not my intention to provoke this incident, NIRA EAT THE PUSSY

You did nothing wrong. The fanboys reacted in a bad way.

Too many to mention :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

les fanboys sont des fans donc je l’ai déjà dit ils sont à font derrière les filles, Beaucoup de fans ne viennent plus dans les forums public , justement pour ne pas avoir à répondre. Moi j’ai fais le choix de continuer. Heureusement on a un forum privé , ou on ne dit que de belles choses sur les filles.

je peux rentrer dans ce forum privé?